Beaglier vs Beagle - Breed Comparison | MyDogBreeds

Beaglier vs Beagle - Breed ComparisonBeaglier is originated from Australia but Beagle is originated from United Kingdom. Both Beaglier and Beagle are having almost same height. Both Beaglier and Beagle are having almost same weight. Beaglier may live 3 years less than Beagle. Beaglier may have less litter size than Beagle. Beaglier requires High maintenance. But Beagle requires Low maintenance


beaglier - historyThe Beaglier beginnings are set in Australia. Before around 30 years, breeders cross-breed the Beagle and the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. The result actually turned out great – new we have a small sized breed with a wonderful, soft coat, very likeable looks, the calm and gentle dog which is very active despite his relaxed nature. They can be found around the globe nowadays and they are very popular because of their sweet nature.

beagle - historyThere are some accounts of similar size dogs used for hunting in Greece in 5th century BCE. During 8th century the Talbot Hound breed was created. In 11th century Talbot Hound was brought to England by William the Conqueror. While using in hunting they are found to be a slow runner. To overcome the situation and increase their running speed the hunting people bred Talbot Hound with Grey hounds. The beagles described earlier were very small in size and are said as pocket beagles.

Basic Information

Hound dog
Hound dog
United Kingdom
Height Male:
30 - 40 cm
11 - 16 inches
36 - 41 cm
14 - 17 inches
Height Female:
30 - 38 cm
11 - 15 inches
33 - 38 cm
12 - 15 inches
Weight Male:
5 - 10 kg
11 - 23 pounds
10 - 11 kg
22 - 25 pounds
Weight Female:
4 - 10 kg
8 - 23 pounds
9 - 10 kg
19 - 23 pounds
Life Span:
10 - 13 Years
12 - 16 Years
Litter Size:
3 - 6
2 - 14
Small dog
Small dog
Other Names:
English Beagle
Colors Available:
usually tricolor with variations of white, cream, chocolate and dark brown
Orange & White, Tri-color, Lemon & White, Chocolate Tri, Brown & White, White & Tan, Red & White
short to medium length, with silky of a little bit harsh wavy hairs
Short, Dense and Water-Repellent
Affectionate, Alert, Cheerful, Curious, Energetic, Friendly, Intelligent, Loving, Loyal, Playful, Protective, Stubborn, Sweet
Friendly, Gentle, Independent, Intelligent, Lively, Loving, Sweet
High maintenance
Low maintenance
Kids Friendly:
New Owners Friendly:


beaglier puppy - descriptionThis small dog breed, called Beaglier and Beagler, has the look of his parents. Sometimes, they look more like the Spaniel, and sometimes they look more like the Beagle. This actually means that they are usually small, but can be, in some cases, even medium sized dog. They are usually tricoloured and in most cases, they have dark brown and cream hairs with white markings. They have longer ears, sometimes with more hairs if they look more like the Spaniel. They have large, dark brown eyes and usually dark nose. This breed is very loving and affectionate. They have a high need for a daily activity and they are the best choice for families with children.

beagle puppy - descriptionThey are small and compact breed, and always happy and fun loving. They should be trained by patient and creative training techniques. Beagles are very much interested in using their nose in finding interesting scents and are food focussed. They always wake their neighbours at 6 am by their half howling. They think everyone is their best friend and love to have friendship with other animals and humans. They have about 220 million scent receptors and are said as "a nose with feet" by humorist Dave Barry.

We can see beagles at many airports in their duty. They can easily trace out the illegal things being smuggled. Since they are small in size they are suitable for apartment living. But they like to walk around several times. They should be exercised for plenty of time. Obedience training should be given to them by giving food reward. Beagles are wanderers of nature and so if possible they will try to escape. So it is necessary to make them microchipped or to wear a collar, to find them easily.


Children friendliness

beaglier dog - characteristicsIf you decide to bring a Beaglier to your family, it will be the best that you wait for your children to grow up a little bit. They are great to play buddy, but they get carried with the game and they can be very careless during the play. They fit perfectly with the children above the age of 5. They will run, jump, and do whatever your kid is about to do. They are friendly towards children they don’t know but they don’t do well with other animals they don’t know.

Special talents



One the main reasons why Beagliers are so much popular lay in their adaptability to any living conditions. They will fit in instantly in a family with children, but they will be happy as well if they live with just one person or even seniors. They can live indoors, houses and apartments without the yard. The Beaglier will enjoy the city parks, dog parks, beach, walking down the crowded streets. This breed is a not a quiet one – they will bark every time they notice something just to let you know. But, they are not aggressive type and they usually bark to communicate with people.


Usually, they are trained very easy. They have a stubborn nature, and if you learn how to get over with this temperament, you will be able to train and raise the sweetest dog ever. They should be trained and socialized while they are still puppies. Since they like too much, the best advice is to use treats to teach them everything that they will need to know. But, be careful with the feeding after the treats – Beagliers get easily obese if they are overfed.

Children friendliness

beagle dog - characteristicsThey are very good companion for children. They love to play and spend time with children.

Special talents

They have millions of scent receptors and so they can be seen in Airports and many important places in duty. Also they are interested in hunting small rodents.


They adapt well for apartment living but they don't like being alone for a long time. If kept alone for a long time in back yard they will begin to bark and dig pit or try to escape. Beagle likes hot weather more than cold weather.

Learning ability

Beagles are difficult to train up. Many people say it will take about one year to house train beagles. They have an attitude of "what's in it for me". But it depends on the personality and temperament of the individual.

Health Problems

Ear Diseases

beaglier puppies - health problemsThe Beaglier flap ears can be a very great place for the fungi, bacteria and dirt. You will have to clean their ears with an ear cleaning solution and a soft tissue once a week, especially if your pet is playing outside.

Eye diseases

Cherry eye: Starts as redness in the corner of the eye. Happens when the third eyelid gland slips out of its place and show up as a red blob in the corner of the eye. Sometimes, the gland gets back to its original place in a couple of days, but it will be the best if you can take your dog to the vet as soon as you notice any readiness in his eyes.

Glaucoma: Happens because of the high eye pressure. This affects the normal outflow of the eye fluids and can cause blindness if not treated. It is the best to for your beagle to regular eye checks since this condition is not easy to diagnose in the begging.

beagle puppies - health problemsBeagle's ears should be checked occasionally for any sign of infections like discoloured wax, dirt or foul odour. Also their nails should be trimmed regularly. They should be exercised regularly in order to maintain a proper weight. The most common health problems in beagles are obesity, epilepsy and allergies.

Hair fall

They are average shedders and having short hair thus it is easy to groom. They should be made to bath with a mild and non irritant shampoo.

Caring The Pet

Diet tips

beaglier dogs - caringIf you are not sure about the dog food you should give to your Beaglier considering the living environment and the lifestyle, it is always the best option to listen to the vet’s advice. They are prone to the obesity so you should keep a schedule that won’t be changed much. Feed them every day at the same time, no more than two meals per day once they get older than 6 months.

Points for Good Health

If you want your Beaglier to be happy, make sure you groom him daily. You will need about 5 minutes per day to brush him and keep him out of the tangles. Bathe then once in a month, that will be enough. Clip their nails regularly. Keep their ears cleaned.

They need a daily activity or they will get destructive. Be careful with the feeding since they get obese very quickly.

Games and Exercises

Since they are natural hunters, they will like to play chase. You can take them to the woods for a walk or for a run but make sure you train them to respond to your commands before you take them off the leash. They are very curious and they will easily wander off. They can be taught to play inside the house as well. They love to explore new areas so it will be great if you can take them with you for a holiday.

Feeding the puppy

beagle dogs - caringAfter 4 weeks of birth the puppy can be given solid foods by slowly increasing the ratio for many weeks. The recommended food is fresh meat of chicken breast, lamb, turkey and lean hamburger. The vegetables can be given as raw or steamed. The vegetables that will be good for them are raw baby carrots, broccoli, cauliflower and sweet peas. The puppies should be fed 3 to 4 small meals per day as they require more nutrients for their growth.

Feeding the adult

The grown up dog should be fed with the same food and 1 complete meal is enough for them. The meal should be given at noon. The food should be given based on calories as they should not get overweight. In addition to food, fruits such as blueberries, raspberries, banana and mango can also be given to them periodically.

Points for Good Health

Beagles should be exercised daily in order to maintain proper weight. Beagles are average shedders and having short hair which is easy to groom. They should be made to bath periodically with a mild shampoo.

Games and Exercises

Moderate exercise such as walking and cardio exercise such as chasing a ball should be given to them for staying them to be active and for maintaining good health.

Comparison with other breeds

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