Glen of Imaal Terrier vs Feist - Breed Comparison

Glen of Imaal Terrier vs Feist - Breed ComparisonGlen of Imaal Terrier is originated from Ireland but Feist is originated from United States. Glen of Imaal Terrier may grow 20 cm / 7 inches shorter than Feist. Both Glen of Imaal Terrier and Feist are having almost same weight. Glen of Imaal Terrier may live 4 years less than Feist. Both Glen of Imaal Terrier and Feist has almost same litter size. Both Glen of Imaal Terrier and Feist requires Low maintenance.


glen of imaal terrier - historyHailing from Ireland and known also as the Wicklow Terrier or just Glen, the Glen of Imaal Terrier was used to get rid of rats, badgers and otters as well as being a good all-round farm dog.

Using his strength, he was good at digging into burrows to root out badgers, but unlike other terriers, he wouldn’t go on and on yapping around his prey. He isn’t an excessive barker.

The terrier was recognised by the Irish Kennel Club in 1934 and later by the American Kennel Club in 2004. The Canadian Kennel Club recognized Glens in 2017.

feist - historyThe Feist is a small dog from the United States, coming from Terrier dogs which were brought over to the States. It is believed that these Terriers included crosses between several terriers – the Manchester Terriers, Smooth Fox Terrier and English White Terrier – dogs used as ratters and known for their skills in killing rats.

The Feist isn’t a new type of dog and in fact there are records of the dog which go back centuries. George Washington even referred to them in 1770 already, and the breed was popularized by President Teddy Roosevelt, who hunted with his Feist.

Basic Information

Terrier dog
Terrier dog
United States
Height Male:
30 - 36 cm
11 - 15 inches
46 - 56 cm
18 - 23 inches
Height Female:
30 - 36 cm
11 - 15 inches
46 - 56 cm
18 - 23 inches
Weight Male:
12 - 16 kg
26 - 36 pounds
10 - 15 kg
22 - 34 pounds
Weight Female:
12 - 16 kg
26 - 36 pounds
10 - 15 kg
22 - 34 pounds
Life Span:
10 - 14 Years
12 - 18 Years
Litter Size:
3 - 5
1 - 4
Small dog
Small dog
Other Names:
Wicklow Terrier, Glen
Rat Terrier, Ratting Terrier, Treeing Feist
Colors Available:
tan, Wheaten, blue
Bi-colored, fawn, brindle , white, black, black and white, tan and white, red and white
Medium length and wiry
Short and smooth
Affectionate, Alert, Cheerful, Courageous, Curious, Energetic, Friendly, Gentle, Independent, Intelligent, Lively, Loving, Loyal, Outgoing, Playful, Protective, Responsive, Social, Stubborn, Territorial
Affectionate, Alert, Cheerful, Courageous, Curious, Energetic, Friendly, Independent, Intelligent, Lively, Loving, Loyal, Outgoing, Playful, Protective, Quiet, Responsive, Social, Stubborn, Territorial
Low maintenance
Low maintenance
Kids Friendly:
New Owners Friendly:


glen of imaal terrier puppy - descriptionAn interesting fact with the Glen of Imaal Terrier is that this is a dwarf breed, being a big sized dog on short legs, with the front feet turning out.

A typical Glen of Imaal Terrier stands at roughly 30 – 36cm and weighs up to about 16kg. Another interesting aspect with this dog is that it can take up to 4 years to reach maturity.

The head of this muscular dog is large, the ears are half erect, and while the tail has always been traditionally docked, it is often left long. The double coat of the dog is soft with the undercoat but he has a wiry outercoat. The color of the coat is essentially wheaten, tan or blue. The coat doesn’t shed much but some Glen owners strip excess hair a few times during the years.


Glen of Imaal terriers are energetic, easygoing and they make splendid pets for any family. He is more than happy to give up lying around for games and activity just to lie at his owner’s feet. He is an intelligent dog too and even though he is somewhat stubborn, he responds well to training and socialization. In fact training and socialization is important for every dog breed to prevent negative behavior and to ensure your pet is obedient.

feist puppy - descriptionStanding at about 46cm to 56cm in height and weighing in the region of 10 to 15kg, the Feist is a short haired dog that doesn’t shed much and he is not hypoallergenic.

The coat of the dog is available in a variety of colors but they are essentially a bi-colored dog such as red and white, tan and white, black and white, while solid colors are fawn, white, light brown, black and brindle too.

Perhaps because of so many genes being involved with this dog, it is more easily identified because of its hunting abilities. He is a sturdy dog with a medium length tail which he holds up. Some Feist owners prefer the look of a docked tail and then docking is between the second and third joint of the tail. The Feist has erect or semi-erect ears.


Intelligent and alert, the Feist is a dog that will respond well to training. As with any other dog, training and socialization will be important for him so that he is obedient. He is energetic, curious and alert and above all he wants the attention of his human family.


glen of imaal terrier dog - characteristicsThe Glen of Ismaal Terrier is more docile than other terrier breeds, but that doesn’t mean he isn’t feisty. He loves to play and is an adventurous dog, always on the lookout for exciting opportunities and to chase prey.

He is a good natured pet and he gets on well with adults, children and pets in the home. He can adapt well to life in the city or in the countryside so long as he is with his family members.

He isn’t a couch potato dog though, and wherever he lives, he will need a good amount of exercising. Treat him with the love and respect he craves, and you’ll have a wonderful canine companion.

feist dog - characteristicsLoving to be around his human family and being a devoted and loyal canine friend, the Feist is also an intelligent, energetic dog who is fairly easy to train.

Bright and alert he makes a good watchdog too, but is amicable enough to get on well with other pets in the home as well as with children.

He can be stubborn so training and socialization will be important for him. As it is, he likes a firm, strong owner and in exchange for good care, he will become your devoted, loyal friend.

Health Problems

glen of imaal terrier puppies - health problemsThe Glen of Imaal Terrier is a feisty, healthy breed, particularly when he gets the best food there is, then he is not likely to get ill easily.

However, just like other dogs, he can be prone to certain health conditions such as hip dysplasia. When a dog is diagnosed with hip dysplasia, the socket part of the joint is poorly developed, so that is causes abnormal friction.

Inflammation and pain can be the result and your dog can become lame. Unfortunately, rapid weight gain with puppies can put more stress on the hips, and diets without the right balance of vitamins and minerals can be bad for good bone development.

feist puppies - health problemsA Feist is a robust dog who doesn’t have any particular health issues, and with good care he can reach 18 years of age if looked after well. Hip Dysplasia is such a common dog illness that it always bears mentioning.

Hip Dysplasia:

This is a ball and socket joint problem where the joint doesn’t function smoothly and the grinding of the bone leads to pain and arthritis for your pet. You'll notice he battles to play games anymore and he also battles to get up after lying down. You need to know that this disease isn’t reserved for old dogs but can start while your dog is still a puppy and that it can lead to lameness.


Look out for allergies in your dog as they can cause a host of problems which can include his skin, his breathing and problems with digestion. Typical symptoms of a dog with allergies include sneezing,scratching and very distressing for a dog, itchy and red skin which can eventually ooze.

As a responsible dog owner it is imperative when you detect problems with your dog, to get him to the vet immediately.

Caring The Pet

glen of imaal terrier dogs - caringCaring for a Glen of Imaal isn’t going to be a huge job. This is what makes him such a wonderful pet as he is a straightforward pet, requiring little more than a brush to avoid the hair matting.

Check his ears, teeth and nails from time to time to ensure he is always in tip top condition.


If you intend making use of the convenience of commercially manufactured dog foods, the top quality one will provide you with balanced nutrition for your Glen and you can mix in some cooked brown rice, vegetables and chicken from time to time.

The Glen of Imaal Terrier is a small-breed dog and, he should be offered dog food that has been specially formulated for small, energetic dog breeds. You can also add in a little bit of raw meat into his kibble as a treat as this is important for keeping him free of skin allergies.

Make sure he always has a bowl of fresh, cool drinking water.


feist dogs - caringGrooming your Feist dog isn’t going to be costly or difficult at all, as with his short, smooth coat he will essentially only require a brush twice a week.

It’s good to get into the habit of brushing him as not only does it keep his coat sleek and shiny, he loves you paying him attention.

All dog owners need to know that grooming goes beyond just brushing the coat. You want to also check his nails that they are short, check in and around his ears and brush his teeth with special dog toothpaste and toothbrush.


Give your Feist the very best dog food there is. Home-made is always good but if you feed him commercially manufactured food, make sure its a quality one. Some raw meat added in every now and again is important for his health. Ensure fresh, cool water is available to him around the clock.


Your Feist is an energetic dog that has been accustomed to hunting and running down small prey. He is an outdoor dog, thriving on fun and games. Take him on your walks, your hikes or when you go cycling or swimming. He wants to be right there with you involved in everything. While he can slot into life in the city or the countryside, he isn’t an indoor dog and it certainly won’t be good for him if you keep him cooped up in a tiny garden and pretty much forget about him.

Comparison with other breeds

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  23. Manchester Terrier vs Feist - Breed Comparison
  24. Miniature Fox Terrier vs Feist - Breed Comparison
  25. Glen of Imaal Terrier vs Feist - Breed Comparison
  26. Jack Russell Terrier vs Glen of Imaal Terrier - Breed Comparison
  27. Miniature Schnauzer vs Glen of Imaal Terrier - Breed Comparison
  28. Rat Terrier vs Glen of Imaal Terrier - Breed Comparison
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  33. Parson Russell Terrier vs Glen of Imaal Terrier - Breed Comparison
  34. Russell Terrier vs Glen of Imaal Terrier - Breed Comparison
  35. Manchester Terrier vs Glen of Imaal Terrier - Breed Comparison
  36. Miniature Fox Terrier vs Glen of Imaal Terrier - Breed Comparison
  37. Glen of Imaal Terrier vs Boston Terrier - Breed Comparison
  38. Glen of Imaal Terrier vs West Highland White Terrier - Breed Comparison
  39. Glen of Imaal Terrier vs Cairn Terrier - Breed Comparison
  40. Glen of Imaal Terrier vs Border Terrier - Breed Comparison
  41. Glen of Imaal Terrier vs Australian Terrier - Breed Comparison
  42. Glen of Imaal Terrier vs American Hairless Terrier - Breed Comparison
  43. Glen of Imaal Terrier vs Bull Terrier Miniature - Breed Comparison
  44. Glen of Imaal Terrier vs English White Terrier - Breed Comparison
  45. Glen of Imaal Terrier vs Dandie Dinmont Terrier - Breed Comparison
  46. Glen of Imaal Terrier vs Cesky Terrier - Breed Comparison
  47. Glen of Imaal Terrier vs Chilean Fox Terrier - Breed Comparison
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  49. Glen of Imaal Terrier vs Cairland Terrier - Breed Comparison

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