Hortaya Borzaya vs Austrian Black and Tan Hound - Breed Comparison

Hortaya Borzaya vs Austrian Black and Tan Hound - Breed ComparisonHortaya Borzaya is originated from Russia but Austrian Black and Tan Hound is originated from Austria. Hortaya Borzaya may grow 19 cm / 8 inches higher than Austrian Black and Tan Hound. Both Hortaya Borzaya and Austrian Black and Tan Hound are having almost same weight. Both Hortaya Borzaya and Austrian Black and Tan Hound has same life span. Both Hortaya Borzaya and Austrian Black and Tan Hound has almost same litter size. Hortaya Borzaya requires Low maintenance. But Austrian Black and Tan Hound requires High maintenance


hortaya borzaya - historyThe Hortaya Borzaya is an ancient sighthound from Asia with its origins in Kievan Rus = Grand Duchy of Lithuania = Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and the Empire of Russia. The Hortaya is a large dog, especially a long in body dog with a muscular build suitable for running fast. He is one of the most talented of sighthounds, able to track moving prey at quite great distances. He is an intensely active when running prey and quiet and well balanced when not working.

In Asia and Russia, it is still a working hunting dog, hunting a variety of game such as Saiga antelopes, wolves, foxes, and hares. With tremendous endurance, the Hortaya can run at great speeds and great distances on the hunt. The Hortaya Borzaya is a long distance runner rather than a sprinter like the greyhound we are all so familiar with. He also needs very little rest between runs of up to 4 km. The Hortaya uses his sense of smell as well as sight in the hunt. They hunt solo, in pairs or in packs.

It was not until 2004 that the Hortaya was first exported to Europe and given full breeding papers. They went to Germany, Slovakia and the Czech Republic in 2004. They went to Switzerland and Finland in 2005 and to the United States around 2005. Prior to this the Hortaya Borzaya was bred only in its original territory for thousands of years.

Unlike Western breeding programs, the Hortaya is not bred for the purpose of improving the breed. Like Asian thoroughbred horses the breed is considered “finished”. Because of this there was no inbreeding, linebreeding or incest. This is true for about 4-6 generations of a line. This helps the breed to stay healthy.

The breed was developed centuries ago being bred by many different groups of people throughout the region, making it impossible to say exactly where and how this Central Asian/Afghanistan/ southern Russian breed developed. The Russian Kynological Federation (RKF) member of the FCI, developed a standard for the Hortaya Borzaya, which unlike most breed standards, does not tell you what the Hortaya must be like. Instead it tells you what he cannot be.

It gives boundaries that the dog must fit inside in order to be considered a Hortaya Borzaya. This is because the breeds of these dogs in their native territories want to preserve as many different types and sub-types as possible under the banner of one breed. To most people these dogs would look like very different breeds. For this reason, they have not been accepted into International Breed Groups and Associations. The breeders of these dogs do not want to be tied down to one standard. They do not want the breed to be separated into western lines and the original line or show lines and working lines. They wish to keep all the dogs within one grouping.

The breed is recognized on the national level by the originating countries and federations, including Russia’s. There are an estimated 2500-3500 dog of this breed in existence to day. Only a few dozen of the breed exist outside of the original countries. In other Eastern and European countries, the dogs may be registered with hunting associations instead of a breed association.

The breed is held mostly by hunters in remote, local areas and villages that are fairly isolated. Here the Hortaya is seen as a partner in feeding the hunters family and the dog is invaluable. In these remote areas a good hunting dog is equal in value to the good horse. Both are essential to the hunter and his family’s livelihood.

The Hortaya Borzaya is a pack dog and does well with the family as well as an athletic hunter. They hunt in packs, small groups or alone and bring their catch back to the hunter for the family meal. No hunter had to go with the dog. In fact, the hunters would send the dogs several times for food. The Hortaya might travel for miles across tough terrain to get food for the family.

austrian black and tan hound - historyWhen Celts began settling in Western Europe, they brought their dogs along. The Celtic Hounds had a duty to hunt, guard and fight in battles. They were, most likely, the ancestors of breeds like Greyhounds and Irish Wolfhounds. The original Austrian black and tan hound was created in Austria during the late nineteenth century. They were very specific dog breed because of their sharp nose, agility, speed, trainability and extraordinary persistence while hunting or tracking.

Basic Information

Hound dog
Hound dog
Height Male:
65 - 75 cm
25 - 30 inches
50 - 56 cm
19 - 23 inches
Height Female:
61 - 71 cm
24 - 28 inches
48 - 54 cm
18 - 22 inches
Weight Male:
18 - 35 kg
39 - 78 pounds
16 - 30 kg
35 - 67 pounds
Weight Female:
16 - 32 kg
35 - 71 pounds
16 - 28 kg
35 - 62 pounds
Life Span:
14 - 15 Years
12 - 15 Years
Litter Size:
6 - 8
2 - 6
Large dog
Large dog
Other Names:
Hort, Chortaja borzaja, Kурч, Kurtas Chortaj Hortaya Horty, Xорт, Hrt, Chort
Osterreischische Glattaarige, Austrian Smooth-Coated Hound, Bracke, Brandlbracke and Vieraugl
Colors Available:
brown, black, white, red, piebald , brindle
tan and black combination
short yet dense
smooth, dense, short
Affectionate, Alert, Energetic, Friendly, Gentle, Independent, Intelligent, Loyal, Playful
Affectionate, Cheerful, Curious, Energetic, Friendly, Intelligent, Lively, Outgoing, Playful, Social
Low maintenance
High maintenance
Kids Friendly:
New Owners Friendly:


hortaya borzaya puppy - descriptionThis athletic sighthound is a handsome dog, ranging from large to giant. Remember there are many different ‘types’ of dogs within the one line/breed of Hortaya. Breed standards are exclusionary, and performance based rather than inclusionary, and appearance based. Still most of the breed lines share many of the same traits.

They are a long legged breed with a very deep chest and flexible spine. They have immensely strong lungs and a narrow but long skull. Their gait is fluid, effortless trotting when not hunting. When she is hunting, they gallop like a horse and cover a lot of ground.

There eyes are usually black but can be any color and their fur is also any color. It is thick and dense. Finally, in the 2000’s, there were some dogs in a subline exported to Europe and to North America. Here, for this subgroup, a standard was established based on appearance and the color or the coat was now set at only white, blue, black, cream, red, sable and brindle, and piebald. They might or might not have a saddle. Definition of this type is still going on and has not been entirely settled yet. This standard is only for the European and American market show dogs.

These dogs, bred for show, have the same ability to run like the wind and for a very long time with his muscled body and long legs. The breed has strength and stamina that will fool you. He also has a long neck and broad back. He has thin, short ears.

austrian black and tan hound puppy - descriptionThe Austrian black and tan hound is one of the larger dog breeds. The coat colour of this breed is unique: the coat must be black with small and defined fawn markings. The body, head and legs are black, with dark or fawn markings with the fawn marks above the eyes.

The Black and Tan is a smooth coated, slim breed with the broad chest and a wide skull shape. Their teeth meet in a scissor bite. They don’t have very long ears and their tail is long and slightly bent.


Children friendliness

hortaya borzaya dog - characteristicsChildren friendliness - yes, they are very good with children and will play with them for hours.

Special talents

They have tremendous stamina, speed and intelligence to hunt on their own without the hunter and bring the prey back in good shape for the hunter’s family to eat.


No they are not very adaptable in terms of living arrangements. They will not do well in an apartment and probably not in the city as they need land to run.

Learning ability

Learning ability yes, they are intelligent and learn easily.


austrian black and tan hound dog - characteristicsThe Austrian Black and Tan Hound get along well with strangers, other dogs or any animals. If they are not trained, their instinct to hunt will be a problem for other, smaller dogs and small animals. This is why this breed can’t be a guard dog. He is usually very friendly, and he remains friendly in most situations. It is very easy to train and socialize them, but you must remain firm while teaching them right from wrong. They are not the breed for the indoor, apartments or senior citizens. If you are not able to fulfil his daily need for activity, he can become quite destructive.

Bite statistic

Nonexistent for the last 30 years. But, if the dog gets mistreated, neglected or threatened – this breed knows to be aggressive. But, if you are a good and loving owner who makes sure that your dog is well raised, fed, loved, trained and socialized while he is still a pup, you will have no reason for the fear.

Health Problems

hortaya borzaya puppies - health problemsAs previously mentioned, the original breed is isolated and therefore has a pretty good health track record. Most of the breed specific illnesses or conditions that usually are inherited barely exist in this breed.

They have a propensity toward obesity and diet is essential to prevent other issues.

Chronic or acute pancreatitis is possible because the breed developed eating small meals and hardly any meat. Too much meat or fat could cause this.

No tolerance for high protein dog food. Can cause puppies to have life threatening damage to bones and cartilage that is irreversible.

Bloat – because of the deep chest and the intolerance for large meals they are prone to bloat.

Hip and elbow dysplasia

austrian black and tan hound puppies - health problems(hip or elbow joint malformation) can happen from injury or overuse of the joints since the Austrian black and tan hound is a runner and jumper.

Ear diseases

They have sensitive ears and they can suffer from ear infections. To avoid this, you must have regular vet checks and have a habit of regular cleaning - hygiene of their ears.

Demodectic mange

Caused by Demodex canis. If you notice hair loss, redness and scaling you must take your pet to the vet urgently since this disease can be transmitted humans.

Caring The Pet

Feeding the puppy

hortaya borzaya dogs - caringAs mentioned above do not overfeed a Hortaya Borzaya puppy. There is serious risk of irreversible damage if you do. Feed small meals 3-6 times a day with lower protein.

Feeding the adult

3 cups of an average protein high quality dog food served at least 3-4 times per day. To avoid bloat do not feed large meals before or after exercise and don’t let your dog drink a lot of water at one time.

Points for Good Health

They have tremendous stamina and speed.

Games and Exercises

This is an extremely active dog bred to hunt 5-6 times a day over wide expanses of various and rough terrain. They need exercise. If you run, they will run with you happily and they will outlast you. They are good at and enjoy fetch, chase, agility, and field trials. They will last hours at any game they play.


austrian black and tan hound dogs - caringAustrian Black and Tan Hounds don’t eat a lot even if you might think that they do. The truth is that they won’t need more than the prescribed portions that can be found in the instructions of high-quality dry dog food per day. All you have to do is make sure they have 3 meals during the day until they are 6 months old, and later they can settle for two meals per day.

Don’t give them the freedom to eat as much as they want. That can cause serious health complications. Their stomachs won’t be able to digest human food because it is usually made with a lot of spices. You can feed them with treats like eggs, fresh cheese, fruits and vegetables are okay as treats but only if these treats make less than 10% of their daily portion.

Points for Good Health

This playful dog needs the daily dose of outside activities. The grooming is easy but it must be regular. Once-a-week brushing at least is necessary. They don’t need to be bathed regularly but you must check their skin conditions daily since they have high risks of skin diseases. Nails need to be trimmed since they grow too fast and ears need to be cleaned every day to avoid ear infections.

Games and Exercises

The Austrian Black and Tan Hound are like any hound: they have an excellent sense of smell and they love to explore. They like to run and they can run for miles. Any outside activity will be a good choice. They like to bark and they bark even when they are happy. They are usually friendly towards strangers and other dogs, so the dog park is a good choice as well. They will love being at playgrounds as well since they love children and they can be a great Frisbee partner.

Comparison with other breeds

  1. Rhodesian Ridgeback vs Hortaya Borzaya - Breed Comparison
  2. Saluki vs Hortaya Borzaya - Breed Comparison
  3. Mountain Cur vs Hortaya Borzaya - Breed Comparison
  4. Rajapalayam vs Hortaya Borzaya - Breed Comparison
  5. Plott Hound vs Hortaya Borzaya - Breed Comparison
  6. Petit Gascon Saintongeois vs Hortaya Borzaya - Breed Comparison
  7. Otterhound vs Hortaya Borzaya - Breed Comparison
  8. Mudhol Hound vs Hortaya Borzaya - Breed Comparison
  9. Ibizan Hound vs Hortaya Borzaya - Breed Comparison
  10. Rampur Greyhound vs Hortaya Borzaya - Breed Comparison
  11. Majestic Tree Hound vs Hortaya Borzaya - Breed Comparison
  12. Polish Hunting Dog vs Hortaya Borzaya - Breed Comparison
  13. Segugio Italiano vs Hortaya Borzaya - Breed Comparison
  14. Sloughi vs Hortaya Borzaya - Breed Comparison
  15. Tasy vs Hortaya Borzaya - Breed Comparison
  16. Treeing Walker Coonhound vs Hortaya Borzaya - Breed Comparison
  17. Hortaya Borzaya vs Bloodhound - Breed Comparison
  18. Hortaya Borzaya vs Greyhound - Breed Comparison
  19. Hortaya Borzaya vs Francais Blanc et Noir - Breed Comparison
  20. Hortaya Borzaya vs American Foxhound - Breed Comparison
  21. Hortaya Borzaya vs Borzoi - Breed Comparison
  22. Hortaya Borzaya vs Black and Tan Coonhound - Breed Comparison
  23. Hortaya Borzaya vs Black Mouth Cur - Breed Comparison
  24. Hortaya Borzaya vs American English Coonhound - Breed Comparison
  25. Hortaya Borzaya vs Austrian Black and Tan Hound - Breed Comparison
  26. Bloodhound vs Austrian Black and Tan Hound - Breed Comparison
  27. Rhodesian Ridgeback vs Austrian Black and Tan Hound - Breed Comparison
  28. Greyhound vs Austrian Black and Tan Hound - Breed Comparison
  29. Francais Blanc et Noir vs Austrian Black and Tan Hound - Breed Comparison
  30. Saluki vs Austrian Black and Tan Hound - Breed Comparison
  31. American Foxhound vs Austrian Black and Tan Hound - Breed Comparison
  32. Borzoi vs Austrian Black and Tan Hound - Breed Comparison
  33. Black and Tan Coonhound vs Austrian Black and Tan Hound - Breed Comparison
  34. Mountain Cur vs Austrian Black and Tan Hound - Breed Comparison
  35. Black Mouth Cur vs Austrian Black and Tan Hound - Breed Comparison
  36. Rajapalayam vs Austrian Black and Tan Hound - Breed Comparison
  37. Plott Hound vs Austrian Black and Tan Hound - Breed Comparison
  38. Petit Gascon Saintongeois vs Austrian Black and Tan Hound - Breed Comparison
  39. Otterhound vs Austrian Black and Tan Hound - Breed Comparison
  40. Mudhol Hound vs Austrian Black and Tan Hound - Breed Comparison
  41. Ibizan Hound vs Austrian Black and Tan Hound - Breed Comparison
  42. Rampur Greyhound vs Austrian Black and Tan Hound - Breed Comparison
  43. Austrian Black and Tan Hound vs American English Coonhound - Breed Comparison
  44. Galgo Espanol vs Austrian Black and Tan Hound - Breed Comparison
  45. Azawakh vs Austrian Black and Tan Hound - Breed Comparison
  46. Hanover Hound vs Austrian Black and Tan Hound - Breed Comparison
  47. Majestic Tree Hound vs Austrian Black and Tan Hound - Breed Comparison
  48. Chart Polski vs Austrian Black and Tan Hound - Breed Comparison
  49. Polish Hunting Dog vs Austrian Black and Tan Hound - Breed Comparison
  50. Grand Bleu de Gascogne vs Austrian Black and Tan Hound - Breed Comparison

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