Kintamani vs Guejae Gae - Breed Comparison | MyDogBreeds

Kintamani is originated from Indonesia but Guejae Gae is originated from South Korea. Both Kintamani and Guejae Gae are having almost same height. Kintamani may weigh 10 kg / 22 pounds lesser than Guejae Gae. Both Kintamani and Guejae Gae has same life span. Both Kintamani and Guejae Gae has almost same litter size. Kintamani requires Low maintenance. But Guejae Gae requires Moderate maintenance


kintamani - historyThe Kintamani dog is an ancient cross-breed and hails from Bali Island, Indonesia.

The beautiful dog is classified into the working dog group.

It isn't sure how the dog developed, and it is believed that local Balinese feral dogs might have had a show in with bring the breed about. There are many stories regarding the origination of this breed but in 2006 the dog got recognition in Bali under the category 'distinct' dog breed.

There are efforts to see the Kintamani dog get global recognition.

Known also as Gaulchae Gae, the Guejae Gae hails from Korea, and falls in the Spitz dog category. The dog is related to the Korean Jindo dog but is slightly larger.

With his sharp canine teeth, the Guejae has been used for hunting and herding, having enough stamina to not easily give up on its prey. The dog isn’t AKC recognized.

Basic Information

Working dog
Working dog
South Korea
Height Male:
40 - 55 cm
15 - 22 inches
40 - 58 cm
15 - 23 inches
Height Female:
40 - 55 cm
15 - 22 inches
40 - 58 cm
15 - 23 inches
Weight Male:
13 - 17 kg
28 - 38 pounds
16 - 27 kg
35 - 60 pounds
Weight Female:
13 - 17 kg
28 - 38 pounds
16 - 27 kg
35 - 60 pounds
Life Span:
10 - 14 Years
10 - 14 Years
Litter Size:
1 - 10
1 - 8
Medium dog
Medium dog
Other Names:
Balinese Mountain Dog, Balinese Kintamani, Kinta
Gaulchae Gae, Jindo Gae
Colors Available:
White, brindle, black, beige
brown, grey or black, Fawn, white
Medium, dense, harsh
Double-coat, thick coarse few of medium length
Affectionate, Aggressive, Alert, Cheerful, Courageous, Curious, Energetic, Friendly, Independent, Intelligent, Lively, Loving, Loyal, Outgoing, Playful, Protective, Responsive, Social, Stubborn, Territorial
Affectionate, Alert, Cheerful, Courageous, Curious, Energetic, Friendly, Gentle, Independent, Intelligent, Lively, Loving, Loyal, Outgoing, Playful, Protective, Responsive, Social, Stubborn, Territorial
Low maintenance
Moderate maintenance
Kids Friendly:
New Owners Friendly:


kintamani puppy - descriptionLooking quite a bit like the Malamute, Chow and Samoyed, the Kintamani is a medium sized dog and has a broad face, erect ears, dark-brown eyes and a thickly plumed tail that is essentially held high.

The Kintamani is a Spitz type dog with an attractive appearance. Standing at 40 to 55cm, the Kintamani weighs in at roughly 13 to 17kg. The colors of the medium to long haired coat are white, beige, black and even brindle, though less common.


Having an independent nature and being territorial, your Kintamani can become aggressive with other dogs. He is very loving and accepting of his human family members though, becoming very loyal to one favorite family member.

They're alert and curious and make good watchdogs. He is also fond of swimming and climbing so he makes a good sport companion.

He is an intelligent dog and he can be easy to train. He is strong-minded and an independent thinker, so training and socialization will rein him in a bit and make him obedient and amicable.

This is a medium sized dog, standing at roughly 40cm to 58cm and weighing about 16 to 27kg, and because he falls into the Spitz dog category, you’ll find them with the characteristic pointed ears and thick fur.

He can be in a number of colors such as fawn, brown, white, grey or black. The tail curls up over the back too and the dog has a resemblance to the wolf. You can see he is intelligent as has he has bright, alert eyes.


These dogs aren't aggressive and they are known to be gentle dogs who are devoted and loyal to their owners.

He is an active, intelligent, social dog who wants ongoing interaction with his human family. He should never be left alone in the back yard day after day as he becomes lonely and bored. This is terrible to do for any dog breed, but the Guejae Gae won't thrive in a family who doesn't make him 100% part of the family.

He should be allowed indoors with his owner as he is a highly social dog who loves being around his human family, forming deep bonds with them.

His superb intelligence allows him to learn new commands and tricks easily, and this is why he responds well to training and socialization. He makes a great pet for active owners and gets on well with children in the home as well as pets. Because he is somewhat reserved around strangers, he makes a good watchdog too.


kintamani dog - characteristicsThe Kintamani dog is an alert, bright, intelligent dog who will make you a good watchdog.

He also makes a companionable pet, and is friendly, loving and loyal to his human family. He has a social, lively temperament, and as people see what awesome pets they make, they are becoming more in demand as they are also easily trainable.

Do your duty towards this attractive dog and love and care for him like any other family member and he’ll be your most devoted best friend.

Intelligent, playful, faithful and loving, your Guejae Gae is going to make you a splendid pet – good with other pets in the home as well as with children.

They are good natured pets and easy to train too, so that when he has been trained and socialized, he becomes an even more amicable pet.

Just remember though that these dogs have been used as working dogs and to ensure your Guejae Gae makes you a splendid pet, you want to ensure he has enough exercise to keep him happy and healthy.

Health Problems

kintamani puppies - health problemsYou’re the only one who knows your dog, so you’re the one who will pick up signs that he isn’t well.

You can tell a lot from your dog’s behavior, and often a dog that isn’t well will hide away in a corner. If you're worried about your pet’s health, get him to the vet for peace of mind.

Being a responsible dog owner requires you regularly performing body checks on your pet.

Parvo in Dogs:

The canine parvovirus (CPV) infection is a very contagious viral illness that affects dogs. The intestinal form will have your dog vomiting, he won’t want to eat and he’ll have diarrhea.

The other less common type is the cardiac parvo where the heart muscle of a fetus is attacked, leading in all likelihood to death. Thankfully the incidence of the parvo-virus infection has been reduced by vaccination of puppies.

Lyme Disease in Dogs:

This is a tick-borne illness that is transmitted through deer ticks. It is a disease more typically seen in dogs from the northeast United States. Common signs of the illness are lameness, lethargy and enlarged lymph nodes. Most dogs respond well to antibiotic treatment.

Ears Infections:

Take a look inside your dog’s ears and check for itchiness, discharge and redness. Inside the dog’s ears it is very sensitive so if you don’t want to clean his ears, rather leave you vet to do it as you don’t want to perforate your dog’s eardrums.

The Guajae Gae is a healthy dog breed with few genetic problems, if any.

There are always common dog illnesses to watch out for however, and in this spitz-type dog, hypothyroidism is one.

Hypothyroidism in dogs is usually brought on by inflammation of the thyroid gland. Hypothyroidism occurs more often in medium to large dogs as opposed to smaller breeds. The most common signs of low thyroid function in your pet will be loss of fur and excess shedding, weight gain and an inability to tolerate the cold.

Hypothyroid dogs often battle with ear infections as well as skin infections. There are a number of blood tests to confirm a suspected diagnosis of hypothyroidism in your dog.

Caring The Pet


kintamani dogs - caringThe thick, lustrous coat of the Kintamani will need to be brushed twice a week because the coat is capable of getting burrs in. He sheds, so to keep the coat lustrous you want to be brushing him twice a week to remove all those loose hairs.


The dog can adjust to life in the city or the countryside, but being energetic it is best that they have a reasonable sized garden or life on a farm. He will be quite happy with some good walks, but he'll want some more rough and tumble. He just loves joining you on a hike and climbing on rocks. These dogs are actually known for their climbing skills.


Kibble isn’t all equal, and dog owners have a huge choice, with the idea being to find the most nutritious one. Good food is key to good health for your Kintamani.

Your Kintamani puppy will require 4 meals a day. As he reaches adulthood you can start feeding him one or two meals a day.

The Kintamani has a beautiful thick coat and you want to ensure it stays that way by feeding him the best quality food there is. Top-quality dry food from a reputable brand will ensure balanced nutrition.

Read the packaging to ensure you’re giving him food that is appropriate to his age and for medium sized dogs. He will do well on some cooked chicken, brown rice, pasta and vegetables being added to this dry kibble every now and again as a treat.

If you’re unsure about whether he is getting the right kind of food in with a good balance of vitamins and minerals, you can always speak to your vet. Make sure that fresh, cool water is constantly available to him and wash his food and drink bowls regularly.


He sheds quite a bit and more so in hot weather so he will need to be thoroughly brushed twice a week.


The Guejae Gae is an active dog breed that needs plenty of place to roam freely, and therefore he is a dog breed that will suit life in the country far better than life in the city.

You will need a decent sized yard for him and you should also be prepared to take him on walks and play ball games with him. He is such a social dog and playing with him is something that will strengthen your bond.


As a Spitz type dog, the Guejae Gae has always enjoyed a carnivorous diet. Cheap, poor quality commercially manufactured dog food won’t cut it for these dogs. Home cooked meals with natural ingredients such as chicken, brown rice and vegetables is a good choice as well as adding in some raw meat from time to time.

Always remember when feeding your Guejae Gae that how much your dog eats will depend on his size, age and activity levels. A highly active dog like the Guejae Gae needs wholesome food as well as a constant supply of fresh, cool water.

Comparison with other breeds

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