Maltese vs Bolognese - Breed Comparison | MyDogBreeds

Maltese vs Bolognese - Breed ComparisonBoth Maltese and Bolognese are originated from Italy. Both Maltese and Bolognese are having almost same height. Both Maltese and Bolognese are having almost same weight. Both Maltese and Bolognese has almost same life span. Maltese may have less litter size than Bolognese. Both Maltese and Bolognese requires Moderate maintenance.


maltese - historyThe Maltese dog hardly needs any introduction as this is an ancient breed which is still as popular as ever. Some people refer to it as the "Maltese Lion Dog," or "Melita" which was Malta’s previous name.

It was in the 19th century, that the Kennel Club settled on the name of Maltese for the dog breed. The dog has been selectively bred to keep its small size. The exact origin of the dog is unknown and there are various stories surrounding where its origins are, thought to be Italy.

It is believed that dogs such as spaniels and poodles have been used to bring about the Maltese. The American Kennel Club, a registry for pure bred dogs, recognized the breed in 1888.

bolognese - historyThe Bolognese has already been on record since the 13th century, being particularly popular among the aristocracy during the Renaissance. The breed hails from Italy. He belongs to a family of dogs that include the Maltese and Bichon Frise, all with similar temperaments and looks. Even though there are these similarities the Bolognese is a breed on its own – a distinctive breed.

The exact ancestry of the Bolognese isn’t altogether clear. The dog breed was brought to England in 1990 by Liz Stannard and it was in 2001 that the breed was shown at dog shows. He is classified as a toy companion breed.

Basic Information

Toy dog
Toy dog
Height Male:
20 - 25 cm
7 - 10 inches
27 - 30 cm
10 - 12 inches
Height Female:
20 - 25 cm
7 - 10 inches
25 - 30 cm
9 - 12 inches
Weight Male:
1 - 5 kg
2 - 12 pounds
2 - 4 kg
4 - 9 pounds
Weight Female:
1 - 5 kg
2 - 12 pounds
2 - 4 kg
4 - 9 pounds
Life Span:
12 - 15 Years
12 - 14 Years
Litter Size:
1 - 3
3 - 7
Small dog
Small dog
Other Names:
Melita, Maltese Lion Dog
Bichon Bolognese, Bolognese Toy Dog, Bologneser, Bolo
Colors Available:
Long and silky
Long, curly, wavy or straight, fluffy hair
Affectionate, Alert, Cheerful, Courageous, Curious, Energetic, Friendly, Gentle, Independent, Intelligent, Lively, Loving, Loyal, Outgoing, Playful, Protective, Quiet, Responsive, Social, Stubborn, Sweet, Territorial
Affectionate, Alert, Cheerful, Courageous, Curious, Docile, Energetic, Friendly, Gentle, Independent, Intelligent, Lively, Loving, Loyal, Outgoing, Playful, Quiet, Responsive, Social, Stubborn, Sweet
Moderate maintenance
Moderate maintenance
Kids Friendly:
New Owners Friendly:


maltese puppy - descriptionThe Maltese is looked upon as a toy dog. Both male and female stand roughly between 20-25cm in height and weigh between 1 and 4kg.

He is as cute as a button with a rounded skull, a pitch black nose, brown eyes and medium length floppy ears. The tail is feathery and is curled. He has a long, silky coat without an undercoat.

The color of his coat is pure white, and because he doesn’t shed he is looked upon as being hypoallergenic. Most people who own a Maltese like having the coat short to one length all round.


These little dogs have been bred to be companion dogs. They may be little, but it is a good idea to have him trained and socialized as they are inclined to be a bit snappy, especially with children.

He is intelligent, so training him won’t be difficult. Brought up the right way though, he can be good with children as well as pets in the home. They love their human families and want to be constantly with them. He is an energetic little dog too, and will just love ball games both inside and outside.

His very temperament and smallness make it that he fits perfectly into life in the city or the countryside. He is sweet and gentle but he makes a good watchdog, alerting you with his barking to strangers coming close by. Don’t leave him for long period of time as he hates being on his own and then he may start barking from sheer boredom and frustration.

bolognese puppy - descriptionThe long, flocked white coat doesn’t have an undercoat and the large, round, dark eyes peer out of a cloud of white hair. His hair sheds very little and some owners of the Bolognese like to keep the woolly hair texture trimmed. He has black nails and a largish black nose. He is a small dog, with the male standing between 27–30cm and the female being slightly smaller.

These little dogs weigh in at about 4kg. A toy breed, he is considered to be a true companion dog. He is compact and squarely built with his floppy ears set high on his head. The long tail is carried curved over the dog’s back.

He is a friendly, social dog and can very easily become a typical lap-dog because he just craves human companionship. He wants to be with you and close to your side, whether you live in the city or in the countryside – he adapts to life wherever you are.


maltese dog - characteristicsThe Maltese is a popular dog no doubt, and his smallness is a draw-card as he adapts easily to life in the city or the countryside.

He is loving, loyal, intelligent and responsive, making him a good family dog and being an excellent playmate for children. Teach your children how to respect animals because raucous, disrespectful kids might produce a nip from an agitated Maltese.

Being a light shedder is another draw-card, with him being looked upon as a hypoallergenic breed. He has got so many good things going for him that he is guaranteed to make you an ideal pet.

bolognese dog - characteristicsThe Bolognese is an easy-going, playful, intelligent little dog who will respond well to training and socialization. He can actually become calm and docile dog, although never dull as he can sometimes act like a clown and be quite entertaining. He makes a wonderful pet and becomes a loyal and devoted companion to adults and children.

Non-aggressive by nature, he will be friends with other pets in the home too. He is a small dog, so he isn’t going to be highly active and therefore won’t need loads of exercise, although he will love to go for a walk with you. He’ll also want to have games with the ball. He is such an amicable little dog and will easily adapt to life in the city or country, so long as he can be loved and cherished by his owners.

Health Problems

maltese puppies - health problemsYour Maltese is a feisty little thing who, with good care, can live for a good few years – up to 15 or even longer. As with any other dog, he can become ill. One or two illnesses to look out for include -

Skin Problems:

Sebaceous adenitis is caused by inflammation of the sebaceous glands and is an uncommon skin disease found in some breeds of dog.

There are two types - one for long coated breeds and one for short coated breeds. For long or double-coated dogs, you’ll notice a white/silvery kind of dandruff on the coat as well as hair loss. There can also be skin lesions along the back and ears. It can make your pet miserable and he will need to see a vet.

Thyroid Problems:

A common hormonal problem is canine hypothyroidism, brought on by inadequate levels of thyroid hormones. Symptoms include hair loss, weight gain, coldness and a weakened immune system.

bolognese puppies - health problemsBecause this particular dog breed is uncommon, you won’t find many details on his health problems. When he is well looked after, he can reach 14 years of age. The Bolognese is from the Bichon Frise family so you can expect similar health problems, and also because he is a pedigree dog.

Skin problems – battling with itchy skin conditions are a typical problem with the Bolognese.

Ear infections are common because of a lot of hair in the ear which can collect dirt.

Eye diseases - cataracts which can eventually lead to blindness.

Other health problems to watch for are heart disease, and epilepsy. Periodontitis is something you want to keep an eye on too because the small jaw is prone to developing periodontal infection which can lead to tooth loss.

Remember if you don’t want your Bolognese to be a parent, neutering and spaying provides major health benefits for your dogs.

Caring The Pet


maltese dogs - caringYour Maltese is going to require quality food, water, exercise and shelter to enjoy a good life. The type of food you feed any dog has a direct impact on his health.

You need to provide him with quality food, and if its commercially manufactured food, you need to read the labels carefully so that the food is appropriate to your Maltese. For instance, you can’t mistakenly pull a ‘large-breed’ packet of food off the shelves and expect your Maltese to be able to stomach it.

If you do buy him this kibble, make sure the ingredients are wholesome. To break the monotony of eating kibble every day, give him some boiled chicken, brown rice and some raw or cooked vegetables chopped up finely into his kibble. He will love you for this as it makes a tasty meal for him and will keep him healthy.

Try to keep his diet nice and simple to avoid digestive problems.

Make sure he has constant access to fresh, cool water.

General Care:

Make sure your Maltese dog has a nice warm, dry place to sleep.

Get him to the vet if you notice that he is ill.

Brush his hair twice a week and take him to have it professionally cut if you prefer.

Clip his nails when they become too long and check around his eyes and inside his ears for any kind of infection.

These little dogs are prone to dental problems and he will need to have his teeth brushed 2 or 3 times a week.

His Coat

bolognese dogs - caringThe little Bolognese isn’t a big shedder so he isn’t a high maintenance pet. His long cloud of white hair can’t just be left though, because it will become tangled and dirty. Get the right grooming tools because his hair will require a good brushing every 2nd day or so. Professional grooming will also be required to keep his coat in tip-top condition.

Feeding your Bolognese

You may want to use commercially manufactured dog food from leading brands recommended by your vet for small breed dogs. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that, but just like you want some variety in your diet, so does your pet.

Rice, meat and vegetables can be added into his food now and then as well as ensuring he has some raw meat in his diet. This is important if you want to ensure the health of your dog. Never leave your pet without a constant supply of fresh, cool water.

Clean your pet’s ears

You can actually buy pet ear cleaners but you have to very careful not to go too deep into your pet’s ears as this can cause damage.


Brush your dog’s teeth a couple of times a week. Never use human toothpaste. You can buy special dog’s toothpaste and toothbrush.

Comparison with other breeds

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