Mexican Hairless vs Chow Chow - Breed Comparison | MyDogBreeds

Mexican Hairless vs Chow Chow - Breed ComparisonMexican Hairless is originated from Mexico but Chow Chow is originated from China. Mexican Hairless may grow 7 cm / 3 inches higher than Chow Chow. Mexican Hairless may weigh 10 kg / 22 pounds lesser than Chow Chow. Mexican Hairless may live 7 years more than Chow Chow. Mexican Hairless may have less litter size than Chow Chow. Mexican Hairless requires Low maintenance. But Chow Chow requires High maintenance


mexican hairless - historyWho can believe that the origin of these dogs which hail from Mexico, goes back more than 3,500 years?

Known as the Xoloitzcuintli dog or Xolo for short, they comes in different sizes – toy-, miniature and standard which means there are different sizes. Both coated- and hairless dogs can be found in the same litter.

There was a time when the dog nearly became extinct buts its numbers have recovered. This is no doubt because there was a time when the natives ate the dog’s flesh.

chow chow - historyNorthern China is the original home of the Chow Chow. In that region of China, the breed was known as the Songshi Quan – “the puffy-lion” dog. They have also been known in China as the “Dog of the Tang Empire” or the Tang Quan. The Chow is believed to be an ancient breed that the Foo Dog, or stone dog guardians of Buddhist palaces and temples, is modeled after. It is one of the most ancient of dog breeds that are still around today.

It is believed that they have existed for around 2000 years or perhaps even as far back as 3000 years, starting out in Mongolia and migrating to China. The ancientness of the Chow Chow has been validated through DNA testing. In China all those centuries ago, the Chow Chow was born to be a working dog. They hunted, herded, guarded and pulled carts. They went on quests with the Mongolian armies when China was invaded, as well as when the Mongolians invaded the Middle East and Europe later on.

Today’s Canadian Kennel Club has about 350 Chows registered while the AKC gets 10,000 new registrations every year.

Basic Information

Non sporting dog
Non sporting dog
Height Male:
35 - 58 cm
13 - 23 inches
43 - 51 cm
16 - 21 inches
Height Female:
35 - 58 cm
13 - 23 inches
41 - 60 cm
16 - 24 inches
Weight Male:
16 - 22 kg
35 - 49 pounds
25 - 32 kg
55 - 71 pounds
Weight Female:
16 - 22 kg
35 - 49 pounds
20 - 27 kg
44 - 60 pounds
Life Span:
12 - 20 Years
11 - 13 Years
Litter Size:
2 - 5
4 - 8
Medium dog
Medium dog
Other Names:
Xolo, Mexico Xolo
chowhound, chow, chowdren
Colors Available:
bronze or tan, Shades of Grey
cream and blue, Red (light gold to deep red-brown) • Cinnamon (light tan to brown) • Black
double thick and coarse
Affectionate, Alert, Cheerful, Courageous, Curious, Docile, Energetic, Friendly, Gentle, Independent, Intelligent, Lively, Loving, Loyal, Outgoing, Playful, Protective, Quiet, Responsive, Social, Territorial
Affectionate, Gentle, Independent, Intelligent, Loving, Loyal, Protective, Quiet, Stubborn
Low maintenance
High maintenance
Kids Friendly:
New Owners Friendly:


mexican hairless puppy - descriptionThe Mexican Hairless is truly an ancient dog breed of the Americans. He stands at 35 – 58cm if he is the standard variety whereas the miniature will stand at up to 35cm. Weight can vary too, but with the standard variety, you're talking about 16 to 22kg.

It has faced times of nearly being extinct but it’s numbers have recovered, and the dog is often sought after for those who suffer with dog-hair allergies. You could say that this dog’s most notable characteristic is its lack of hair and the soft skin.

Some of them have small tufts of hair on the hair, mostly around the top of the head. The skin can be various shades of gray to bronze and a yellowish color too. His body is slightly longer than its height and he is slim and well muscled. The tail is long and thin and is sometimes carried high. You can expect 2 – 5 puppies from these dogs.


Anyone acquiring a Xolo will discover that this is an intelligent dog breed and that just like with other dogs, you’ll be able to have him trained and socialized easily. Then he is obedient and a pleasure to have around.

He is active too and will require games with balls and ropes as well as a daily walk. The Xoloitzcuintli is noted for its calm demeanor. The puppies are a lot noisier than the adults and very energetic and this continues till they are about 2 years of age when they are considered to be adult.

Well raised Xolos form strong bonds with their human family, becoming loyal and devoted.

chow chow puppy - descriptionThe Chow really does look like a small lion with a black tongue. The dog is sturdy and square with erect, small ears on a broad skull. They have a very dense double coat. Their eyes are deep set and look like almonds, while they all have that very distinctive purple or black tongue. Their lips are also distinctive with their blue color. The nose is black, but some Chows might have a blue nose. The tail is curly.

These are medium size dogs when it comes to height and weight, but they are powerfully built for their size. Their power is in their compact body holding the energy and strength of a much larger dog. Its hind legs are almost entirely straight, unusual for any dog. They get their lion appearance from the huge ruff that stands behind their heads. Their chest is broad and deep.


mexican hairless dog - characteristicsThe Xolo is one of those dogs who don’t get ill easily. He is also intelligent and fairly easy to train. Add to that the fact that he is also a low maintenance dog as he doesn’t have a coat that needs brushing and grooming.

Give your Xolo lots of attention because in exchange for the good care you give him, you’re going to get a loyal, devoted pet who loves to be with you constantly.

chow chow dog - characteristicsLoyal and true to their family and those they know; the Chow Chow is a little standoffish with strangers. They are very protective and usually attach themselves to one or two people. They are intelligent but stubborn, which can affect your training with them. They need to respect their people and Chows respect hose who take care of them. They can be aggressive toward dogs of their same sex especially if those dogs are the same breed as well.

They are known to be very clean and many have compared them to cats in that regard. They appear to be dignified and refined. They are usually very quiet but very adaptable dogs.

Health Problems

mexican hairless puppies - health problemsThe Xoloitzcuintli is a hardy dog in terms of health and can live to a ripe old age in dog years – some have been known to reach 18, 19 and 20 years of age. Without a coat, this dog is susceptible to sunburn so care must be taken when outdoors.

Hairless dogs tend to battle with skin problems such as pimples. Skin allergies can cause itching and scratching and these can lead to bacterial infections. It is interesting to note that the genes that bring about hairlessness also produce troublesome teeth, so that dental disease is quite rife with these dogs.

chow chow puppies - health problemsAlthough an ancient breed that obviously has survived many centuries of trials, the Cho Chow of today is prone to several different health conditions. These include:

Eyelid Entropion

This condition can require surgery to keep the turning eyelid from injuring the eye ball.

Hip Dysplasia

This can cause lameness and arthritis.

Elbow Dysplasia

This can cause lameness and arthritis.

Stomach Cancer

Ear Infections

Make sure you keep the ears clean and keep an eye on them.

Caring The Pet

mexican hairless dogs - caringYou’ve got to remember with this dog breed that he doesn’t have a coat so he can burn easily when out in the sun. If you know you’ll be in the sun for long, you’ll have to apply special sunscreen.

You can wipe down your Xolo or bath him from time to time, though not to often so as to strip the natural oils from the dog’s body. The nails will need to be trimmed regularly, as long nails can be a danger as they can hook on things and cause pain and bleeding.

Provide your hairless pet with a nice, soft bed to lie on.

Take him to the vet when he appears to be ill and see that you get his vaccinations done to prevent deadly illnesses such as rabies and parvo.

Check his eyes and ears for infections.

Brush his teeth to remove plaque. Never use human toothpaste. Take a look at the different canine toothpastes available.

Never leave your pet in a hot car with no windows open.

Provide your Xoloitzcuintli dog with high quality dog food so as to enhance health and longevity. Keep food simple for your pet to avoid digestive problems. Boiled chicken, brown rice or pasta and cooked potato, carrots and spinach can be chopped up and added to his dry kibble from time to time. Also a little bit of raw meat added in occasionally can also be excellent. Avoid feeding your pet foods such as onions, avocados, nuts, chocolate, coffee and raisins.

Make sure this dog has access to cool, fresh water night and day.

chow chow dogs - caringDon’t overfeed a Chow Chow as they are hard workers and big eaters. Feed them at least twice a day.

Health issues

Additional health issues include:


This eye disease can lead to blindness if not checked and treated.

Juvenile Cataracts

These can be removed from an adolescent puppy.


Again, the Chow is susceptible to cancer.


Can lead to heart or kidney problems if left untreated.

Hot Spots/Allergies/Melanoma

Keep a close eye on your Chow Chow skin.

Exercise and games

The Chow Chow was developed as working dog, but today’s version is more laid back and doesn’t need excessive exercise. Daily walks will suffice. They live very happily in the city if walked regularly. They are not really a competitive breed outside of obedience and confirmation. They are seldom seen in sports like agility or frisbee.

Comparison with other breeds

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