Saluki vs Perro de Pastor Mallorquin - Breed Comparison

Saluki vs Perro de Pastor Mallorquin - Breed ComparisonSaluki is originated from Iraq but Perro de Pastor Mallorquin is originated from Spain. Both Saluki and Perro de Pastor Mallorquin are having almost same height. Saluki may weigh 10 kg / 22 pounds lesser than Perro de Pastor Mallorquin. Both Saluki and Perro de Pastor Mallorquin has almost same life span. Both Saluki and Perro de Pastor Mallorquin has almost same litter size. Both Saluki and Perro de Pastor Mallorquin requires Moderate maintenance.


saluki - historyIt seems as though the Saluki's origins go far back to ancient Egypt times. The dog is known for its superb hunting abilities.

These dogs have been known in the Middle East and could be found in Iran and Egypt too. Breeding with other dogs was forbidden so the Saluki has remained unchanged for thousands of years.

It has always been known over the centuries for its superb grace and speed as well as endurance. He is capable of that because of the tall, sleek, muscular body and long, narrow head.

The Saluki came to England in the 1900s, and today the dog comes in quite a few variations.

perro de pastor mallorquin - historyKnown also as the Majorca Shepherd Dog or Ca de Bestiar, the very name Perro de Pastor Mallorquin means Shepherd dog of Mallorca.

The dog hails from Spain and has been used as a general purpose farm dog. The diligent work of fans of the dog to encourage its development were rewarded when the dog - both short- and long haired varieties - gained recognition from the Fédération Cynologique Internationale.

The dog is really only popular in its homeland where it is appreciated for its guarding and herding abilities.

Basic Information

Hound dog
Herding dogs
Height Male:
58 - 71 cm
22 - 28 inches
62 - 73 cm
24 - 29 inches
Height Female:
58 - 71 cm
22 - 28 inches
62 - 73 cm
24 - 29 inches
Weight Male:
16 - 30 kg
35 - 67 pounds
35 - 40 kg
77 - 89 pounds
Weight Female:
16 - 30 kg
35 - 67 pounds
35 - 40 kg
77 - 89 pounds
Life Span:
12 - 14 Years
11 - 13 Years
Litter Size:
4 - 8
2 - 6
Large dog
Large dog
Other Names:
Persian Greyhound, Gazelle Hound
Ca de Bestiar, Majorca Shepherd Dog
Colors Available:
white, Fawn, cream, some black - blend of colors, tan
Smooth or feathered - always silky
Short- and long haired
Affectionate, Alert, Cheerful, Courageous, Curious, Docile, Energetic, Friendly, Gentle, Independent, Intelligent, Lively, Loving, Loyal, Outgoing, Playful, Protective, Quiet, Responsive, Social, Stubborn, Territorial
Affectionate, Aggressive, Alert, Cheerful, Courageous, Curious, Energetic, Friendly, Independent, Intelligent, Lively, Loving, Loyal, Outgoing, Playful, Protective, Responsive, Social, Stubborn, Territorial
Moderate maintenance
Moderate maintenance
Kids Friendly:
New Owners Friendly:


saluki puppy - descriptionThe Saluki is a graceful, elegant looking dog, deep chested and long legged, much like the Greyhound and fairly closely related to the Afghan Hound.

They stand at between 58 and 71cm and weigh between 16 to 29kg. The head is long and narrow, the eyes large and the dog has floppy ears. The tail is long and curved. The coat of the Saluki comes in a number of different colours and these can be fawn, cream, white, tan, some black or it can have a blend of all these colours. The coat of this dog comes in two types - smooth and the feathered type. The fur is always beautifully silky and is considered to be low-shedding.

These dogs are also very fast runners, and if you check the Guinness Book of Records, you’ll see that the Saluki is listed there as being one of the fastest dogs with tremendous stamina.


Th Saluki is a beautiful, quiet, dignified, reserved, loyal dog. You can just see that he is intelligent. He is certainly affectionate with his human family but you wouldn’t call him demonstrative. He isn’t the kind of dog to be wildly prancing around wagging his tail furiously.

He’s the kind of dog that likes to give chase so you’ll need a large garden for him. It’s why he isn’t suited for city life on a small property. The countryside is a far better option for this tall dog.

When he’s not outdoors, he can easily curl up on your sofa for a few hours of utter relaxation. Training and socialization will be necessary for this shy dog as it not only makes him obedient, but it gives him some confidence with knowing how to behave in different circumstances. He’ll get on well with older children, but is fairly indifferent and intolerant to small kids, especially those that are undisciplined and left to climb over him.

perro de pastor mallorquin puppy - descriptionThe Perro de Pastor Mallorquin is a large dog which stands between 62 and 73 cm and weighs between 35 and 40kg. Most of them are short haired, ensuring low grooming requirements for the owner. The coat is black, in fact the Fédération Cynologique Internationale says its the only color which is acceptable. He has floppy ears and the tail is long, rising when the dog is on the move.


The Perro de Pastor Mellorquin is a dominant, independent and wilful dog that will need to be trained and socialized if he is to be obedient. He is fiercely devoted to his owner, being loving and protective. This training is actually important as the Majorca Shepherd Dog doesn't take easily to strangers and can in fact show signs of aggression when around them.

It is qualities like this that make him a good guardian and watchdog. With training and socialization he will be able to get on well with other pets in the home as well as with children who have been taught how to respect- and be kind to animals.

He is an active dog too and it is better to have such a dog in the suburbs or the countryside as opposed to living in a small city property.


saluki dog - characteristicsThe Saluki loves his human family, and he’s the kind of dog that wouldn’t like to be owned by one family ad then given away to another later on. That's why make sure when you get your Saluki your intentions are to keep him.

He likes to be comfortable too when they’re not running outside, and a good bed is important to him. Salukis are naturally thin, so make sure not to overfeed him. These are quiet, calm dogs, but over the centuries they've been making reliable, steadfast pets and companions.

perro de pastor mallorquin dog - characteristicsThe Perro de Pastor Mallorquin is a dog known for its devotion to its owner, taking on his role as guardian and protector very seriously.

It is a courageous dog, strong willed and confident and isn't recommended as a first choice of dog for the novice dog owner, although there have been first-time dog owners who bring their dogs up correctly and have tremendous success with them.

Provide your dog with a firm consistent, kind, patient and loving home, and you can also be one of those first-time dog owners who highly recommend this dog as an awesome pet for any household.

Health Problems

saluki puppies - health problemsWe always mention hip dysplasia as a common dog ailment as so many dog breeds can succumb to this ailment. With the Saluki, hip dysplasia is uncommon. Cancer and cardiac issues are more prevalent with these dogs.


It is sad to realize that dogs are susceptible to the same types of cancer as people are. If the uncontrolled growth of cells in the body isn’t discovered in time, cancer can reach the circulatory or lymph systems and other parts of the body. In fact, cancer is the leading cause of death with dogs. The good news is that it is treatable if you catch it in the early stages.

One of the more common types of cancer in dogs is Lymphoma. This can affect any dog, and at any age too. There are swollen lymph nodes under the neck and the dog can have trouble with breathing and digestion. You’ll notice lumps underneath the dog's skin, abnormal discharges from the eyes, ears or rectum, non-healing wounds, coughing and pain.

perro de pastor mallorquin puppies - health problemsA dog can live a long, happy life when he has been looked after well. Makig sure he doesn't become obese, giving him enough exercise and loving him can ensure longevity. Your Perro de Pastor Mallorquin can live to be 13, 14 or 15 years of age, but there are always some common dog illnesses to be aware of -

Canine Hip Dysplasia:

This is a disease of the hip where the ball and socket joint isn’t formed properly. The result is a joint that rubs as opposed to sliding smoothly. This is one of the most common skeletal diseases in dogs seen more often in large dogs. The disease can start while the dog is still young and it can lead to osteoarthritis an decreased activity.

Eye Diseases:

One of the eye diseases is when the uvea of the eye becomes inflamed, creating a painful condition known as anterior uveitis or inflammation of the front of the eye.

This disease can threaten your dog’s vision. It is painful with redness of the eye, there could be a discharge too as well as excessive watery eyes. Cancer, infections and injury can all be to blame and your vet will want to examine your dog.

Caring The Pet

saluki dogs - caringThese tall, slender dogs love to run free and it's the kind of dog that will need regular and different forms of exercise.

Provide your Saluki with a comfortable, warm, dry bed with lots of padding.

The Saluki has smooth, silky hair so brush it twice a week to keep it gleaming.

To help your Saluki have a strong immune system, he needs the best food there is. Good food packed with vitamins and minerals instead of preservative and colorants will help him fight diseases like cancer.

Commercially manufactured dog foods can be wonderfully convenient and nutritious if you get the better quality ones. Give him some home-made food too and add it twice a week to the dry kibble. This will provide variety and a tasty treat. Boiled chicken, brown rice, sweet potatoes, carrots and spinach are simple foods – just like dogs want.

Try and include some raw meat occasionally. Fresh, cool water should always be available around the clock.


perro de pastor mallorquin dogs - caringThe Majorca Shepherd Dog isn't a heavy shedder but still, he will require some basic grooming such as brushing the coat twice a week to remove loose hairs and to retain his natural shine.

Other care and grooming routines for your pet are to check inside his mouth for dental disease as problem teeth can cause a host of diseases in the body.

Check inside his ears too and make sure they aren't red and itchy as this could be indicative of an ear infection.

Nail clipping is also important as his nails can hook onto things and rip open the flesh around the paw area.


These dogs are lively and energetic, having been used to do lots of work herding and guarding sheep. He isn't a dog to be left in the backyard day after day without human inter-action and exercise. He will require some hectic exercise every day and will love to join you with your jogging or cycling, running beside you. Take him with you on our walks and hikes.


Only the best dog food is recommended for this dog of yours. If you intend feeding your pet commercially manufactured food, make sure its the best quality ones – those with protein listed at the top of the ingredient list and with a good amount of vitamins and minerals.

Choose the food according to your dog's size, his age and his energy levels. If you're going to give your pet home-made food, keep it simple to avoid upset stomachs and vet's bills.

Boiled chicken, brown rice or pasta and cooked vegetables such as spinach, sweet potato and carrots are wonderful for a dog when added into the kibble occasionally as a tasty treat. You can also try to include some raw meat into the kibble from time to time.

Dog's just want simple, wholesome foods like this, no unpleasant surprises of spicy, 'people foods'. Never leave your pet without a supply of fresh, cool water.


Take your puppy to the vet to have his vaccines, as the canine parvo-virus (CPV) infection for instance, isn't only a very contagious viral illness that affects dogs, it can be a killer. Keep a check on your adult dog too and see that he gets to the vet at any sign of illness.

Comparison with other breeds

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