Spitz vs Other - Breed Comparison | MyDogBreeds

Spitz is originated from Russia but Other is originated from United States. Spitz may grow 20 cm / 7 inches shorter than Other. Spitz may weigh 77 kg / 169 pounds lesser than Other. Spitz may live 4 years less than Other. Spitz may have more litter size than Other. Spitz requires Moderate maintenance. But Other requires Low maintenance


spitz - historyA spitz is not a breed of dog, but rather a “group or family” of dogs that has its roots in Germany. Within this family there are a variety of breeds that were bred for very specific purposes by people in many different parts of the world. The spitz family can be toy dog size up to vey large. Examples run from the Pomeranian to the Canadian Eskimo Dog.

The Spitz family dogs share the look of thick, long fur and pointed muzzles, ears and curly tail. Despite their German name, they are thought to originally be of East Asia or Artic descent. Most of today’s spitz are from Siberia’s Artic region, first described in 1788 and in English in 1792. Spitz have been bred for three types of jobs depending upon where they were developed. These jobs included pulling, herding and hunting.

There are very powerful and large Spitz breeds that pull or hunt large game. Examples of these breeds are the Swedish Elkhound, the Akita Inu, the Norwegian Elkhound and the Karelian Bear Dog. The smaller sized breeds like the Samoyed hunted small mammals and birds, while the Finnish Lapphund, Lapponian Herder, and Swedish Lapphund herded, hunted and pulled small sleds.

The three largest spitz also pulled sleds throughout the 17th and 18th centuries. In most places the Canadian Eskimo Dog, the Alakan Malamute and the Greenland dog were used in sled racing and fur trapping while in Canada and Alaska the Siberian Husky was used for the same things.

Recently there have been genetic tests that show a large number of dogs that are considered Spitz type so share many strong ancestral ties and DNA similarities with wild wolves. It is now believed that a lot of these breeds were intentionally mated with wolves and some were accidental. Both domestic and wild dogs are included in this history.

Most spitz are made for cold weather, even today’s lapdogs, like the Pomeranian, do not do well in hot climates.

Dog lovers are thrilled because there is such diversity to choose from when looking for a pet.

There are so many other dogs that don’t have any particular breed name, and these can be tiny dogs or massive dogs that you would have to think twice about before buying one, as a large dog can eat you out of hearth and home.

All dogs, pedigreed or other, have descended from the wolf but it is unsure about when dogs were actually domesticated. One thing is sure, it is amazing to think that dogs descended from wolves but that you get so many varieties to day – different sizes, different coat colors and lengths, some have erect ears, others floppy, some are lean and mean and others muscular and heavily-set. They have all originated from different parts of the world.

There are well over 100 different pure dog breeds as well as plenty of other dogs. In fact you can create many different dogs by breeding certain of them to get the looks and characteristics you want.

Basic Information

Miscellaneous dogs
Miscellaneous dogs
United States
Height Male:
21 - 70 cm
8 - 28 inches
9 - 90 cm
3 - 36 inches
Height Female:
20 - 65 cm
7 - 26 inches
9 - 90 cm
3 - 36 inches
Weight Male:
2 - 40 kg
4 - 89 pounds
2 - 117 kg
4 - 258 pounds
Weight Female:
2 - 37 kg
4 - 82 pounds
2 - 117 kg
4 - 258 pounds
Life Span:
7 - 16 Years
10 - 20 Years
Litter Size:
4 - 19
1 - 14
Medium dog
Medium dog
Other Names:
numeroud breeds
Unregistered, Mixed Breeds, Non Pedigree
Colors Available:
cream, black, solid colors and patterns, Brown, tan, white
double coated undercoat is coarser
Short and smooth, long haired
Moderate, Constant
Minimal, Moderate, Constant, Seasonal
Cheerful, Friendly, Independent, Intelligent, Loving, Loyal, Outgoing, Stubborn
Affectionate, Aggressive, Alert, Cheerful, Courageous, Curious, Detached, Docile, Energetic, Friendly, Gentle, Independent, Intelligent, Lively, Loving, Loyal, Outgoing, Playful, Protective, Quiet, Responsive, Social, Stubborn, Sweet, Territorial
Moderate maintenance
Low maintenance
Kids Friendly:
New Owners Friendly:


spitz puppy - descriptionMost of the spitz breeds share a “look” that includes erect ears, stocky heavy, usually double coats, a pointed muzzle, thick, fluffy ruffs and a heavy curled tail carried high over the body. Build for northern climates they are insulated by a undercoat that is waterproof and dense and a less dense topcoat. Their ears are small to prevent frostbite and their paws have thick fur to protect them in the frigid, icy terrain.

Many still have wolf-like looks and tendencies. Some are very difficult to train to be companions – the Akita, Chow and especially the Karelian Bear Dog – fall into this category. Many mixed breed dogs are also considered members of the Spitz family. These dogs are easy to recognize as spitz because of these physical characteristics

Dogs today come with so many looks. ‘Other’ dogs are vast and varied. They may be pedigreed dogs that are ‘off the radar’ or they may be among the many ‘cross-breed’ dogs there are.

You can get a tiny Chihuahua, measuring just 9cm in height, but you can also get a huge dog like the Great Dane that can stand at up to 90cm in height. It isn't however, a heavily built dog like the giant Newfoundland which can weigh up to 117 kg or so.


Some dogs are intelligent, others not so much. Others are social and others more reserved. Some won’t be able to tolerate being cooped up indoors and not being able to be outdoors involved in an activity, while others are more indoor dogs.

Some dog are friendly, others indifferent, some boisterous and sporty, others docile and lazy. There are so many other dogs that don’t make the pedigreed list, but they’re adored by their human family for being so utterly unique.



spitz dog - characteristics1.Children friendliness excellent with almost all the breeds. Be careful of size. Smaller breeds may not be as friendly and larger may knock down small children.

2.Special talents stamina

3.Adaptability excellent

4.Learning ability excellent

There are so many dogs, some are pedigree dogs and some aren’t. Some dogs are registered with kennel clubs and others aren’t.

Every dog has some amazing characteristics that make them so adorable. These kennel clubs divide dogs into categories such as Terriers, working dogs, herding dogs, toy breeds, hounds and so on. Pedigree breeds belong to these groups.

Other dogs are just as special, even if they don’t fall into the many dog breeds recognized by major kennel clubs.

There are so many other dog breeds, and if you want to bring some canine magic into your home and heart, apart from the very many expensive dog breeds out there, there are other dogs.

These are hybrids or true one-of-a-kind pavement specials that come at a fraction of the price but with the most amazing and wonderful characteristics you can imagine and which will make a most splendid pet.

Health Problems

spitz puppies - health problemsIt is a little harder to characterize the health issues of a family of dogs than it is a .will overheat in hot climates due to their double coats. Here are some propensities of dogs in the Spitz family.

  • Haemolytic anemia – heritary anemia can be mild to life threatening.

• Thrombopathia bleeding disorder with the risk of a hemorrhage, platets don’t clot.

  • Epilepsy – medication can manage this well.
  • Cancers for different types.

• Larger breeds are affected by Elbow and Hip dysplasia that can cause arthritis and lameness.

Other dogs are considered somewhat healthier than purebred dogs because they come from a broader gene pool. Nonetheless you still need to be aware of certain dog illnesses that your dog can develop -


This is a common ailment in dogs, and skin allergies can cause your dog a lot of discomfort and pain. They lick and lick and aggravate the situation. Sometimes fleas, chemicals and dog shampoos can aggravate the skin too. There are several things to look at – from making environmental changes to changing your dog’s food.


Cancer is common in dogs, just as in human beings, with there being a number of different cancers. Whenever you brush your dog, run your hands over him to check if there are any unusual lumps on him and have them examined if you do discover a lump.

Other dog illnesses to watch out for include bloat, ear and eye infections, cataracts, hip dysplasia and obesity, among others.

Caring The Pet

spitz dogs - caring1Feeding the puppy The Spitz family has high energy needs but in a slow-release so they need protein more than grain. Puppies should be fed 3-4x a day in small meals. Don’t overfeed them.

2.Feeding the adult – The Spitz type dog stores their energy to use in extended periods when working or playing. They will become obese if overfed or if they don’t get enough exercise. Feed 2-3X a day in small or medium sized meals, even the larger breeds because of their storage of calories.

3.Points for Good Health endurance and stamina

4. Games and Exercises – Having been bred for endurance and stamina most Spritz breed need plenty of exercise, lots of space and lots of play. They love to run, jog, or play games. They are outdoors types who love to hike, and run or walk for long times over long distances. They are great in cold, wet weather but not so good in the heat. How much exercise they need depends on the size and history of the specific breeds. Most love to play with other dogs, so dog parks and dog day care can both be good choices for most of them. Agility, barnhunt, field trials, pulling games are all good choices.

Responsible dog owners know that their dogs require adequate food and water, lots of love and attention, exercise, a warm, dry bed, shelter from the elements when outdoors and medical attention when they’re sick.

One advantage with other dogs which aren’t pedigreed, is that by their very nature, they have good genetic diversity, and this means good overall health. Other dogs breeds are generally cheaper to buy and cheaper in terms of vet’s fees as they tend to be healthier.


Other dogs have a variety of different coat types, so whatever dog you have, you’ll need to be looking at brushing him, stripping him or having him professionally clipped. Whether erect or floppy ears, check inside for infection. The eyes will also need to be checked for infection and other eye ailments. All dogs will also have to have their nails clipped.


The size of all dogs, pedigree or other will determine the amount of food you give him. Big or small, pedigreed or other, every dog wants the same when it comes to diet. They want food which is nutritious, tasty and simple. They want a high quality commercially manufactured food high in minerals and vitamins.

They will benefit from some raw meat added into the kibble whenever its possible. They will also require some home-made food – simple, uncomplicated homemade food such as boiled chicken, brown rice or pasta and vegetables such as sweet potato, carrots and spinach. Such a diet will keep your pet free from digestive problems. Make sure he has a constant supply of cool, fresh water.


Exercise is important for every dog, but some dogs will require more exercise than others. Some dogs will be content with a walk every day while others will require far more – running beside you while you cycle, swimming, a run in the park, rope- and ball games and going with you on hikes.

Exercise is both entertaining for your dog and healthy too.

Comparison with other breeds

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  14. Spitz vs Other - Breed Comparison
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  26. Spitz vs Olde English Bulldogge - Breed Comparison
  27. Spitz vs Aussie Doodles - Breed Comparison
  28. Spitz vs Indian Pariah Dog - Breed Comparison
  29. Spitz vs Dingo - Breed Comparison
  30. Spitz vs Askal - Breed Comparison
  31. Spitz vs Sapsali - Breed Comparison
  32. Spitz vs Peruvian Hairless - Breed Comparison
  33. Spitz vs New Guinea Singing Dog - Breed Comparison
  34. Spitz vs Lottatore Brindisino - Breed Comparison
  35. Spitz vs Carolina Dog - Breed Comparison
  36. Spitz vs Mountain Feist - Breed Comparison
  37. Spitz vs Jonangi - Breed Comparison
  38. Spitz vs Kuri - Breed Comparison
  39. Spitz vs Perro de Presa Mallorquin - Breed Comparison
  40. Spitz vs English Bulldog - Breed Comparison
  41. Spitz vs French Bulldog - Breed Comparison
  42. Spitz vs American Pit Bull Terrier - Breed Comparison
  43. Spitz vs Chow Chow - Breed Comparison
  44. Spitz vs Poodle - Breed Comparison
  45. Spitz vs Pembroke Welsh Corgi - Breed Comparison
  46. Spitz vs Australian Shepherd - Breed Comparison
  47. Spitz vs American Bulldog - Breed Comparison
  48. Spitz vs Bull Terrier - Breed Comparison
  49. Spitz vs Dalmatian - Breed Comparison

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