Ibizan Hound vs Azawakh - Breed Comparison | MyDogBreeds

Ibizan Hound vs Azawakh - Breed ComparisonIbizan Hound is originated from Spain but Azawakh is originated from Mali. Both Ibizan Hound and Azawakh are having almost same height. Both Ibizan Hound and Azawakh are having almost same weight. Ibizan Hound may live 3 years less than Azawakh. Ibizan Hound may have more litter size than Azawakh. Ibizan Hound requires Low maintenance. But Azawakh requires Moderate maintenance


ibizan hound - historyThis lean, speedy and agile hound dog looks and acts very much like a Pharaoh Hound except the Ibizan Hound is larger and a different color. The image of dogs that look like the Ibizan have been seen since 3400 BC in Egypt. The dogs were probably brought by sailors to Ibiza and surrounding islands. They came about 700-900 BC. It is believed that they actually came for the island of Elvissa and Spain, where they speak Catalan. It was also known in France as the le chanigue. There job was the same. To hunt rabbits.

They were fast hunting greyhound type dogs. They hunted for rabbit for the Ibizaners and themselves. These dogs hunt by day and by night. They are not just sight hounds, they also hunt by smell and hearing, in packs or by themselves. They use their sight to find and corner the prey. Then they act like retrievers and bring it back to the hunter. Their function and look is very similar to several other dogs such as the Pharaoh Hound, the Greyhound, the Portuguese Podengo, the Cimeco dellEtna and the Podence Canario. The Ibizan is larger than any of these, but all these breeds are considered to be “primitive”.

Within the breed itself there are smooth, wire and longhaired Ibizan Hounds. The Smooth is by far the most common. A great jumper, nimble runner built for stamina, the Ibizan Hound was just what the island people needed. The breed lived in isolation on the island for many centuries, under a variety of rulers including the Romans, Egyptians, Vandals, Carthaginians, Chaldeans, Arabs and Spanish. Because of the harsh island conditions, the farmers only allowed the best hunters among the Ibizan Hounds to procreate thus assuring a breed that is unchanged from ancient stock.

By 1950 the Ibizan Hound was brought to America. Because this dog is not a pet but a working machine, it took awhile for the breed to become popular enough to be recognized by the American Kennel Club (AKC) in 1979. Still the Ibizan Hound is a rare breed with the female being a better hunter than the male. One of the most common activities of this breed in the U.S. is lure coursing. These events are sponsored by AKC and ASFA as well as racing events in the NOTRA and LGRA.

azawakh - historyAzawakh dog was bred by the nomads in Africa. They were originally bred to be a guard dog. But, they realized that their body shape and bone structure allows them to run really fast (some say that they can run at the speed more than 65 km/h. This fact made them ideal for the hunting. Nowadays, they can be found across the globe but they are still very rare kind of a dog because they can survive and adapt to very high temperatures but they are very intolerant of low temperatures. Male Azawakh is slightly bigger than a female dog, with a greater instinct for guarding, hunting and taking care of the family and the pact.

Basic Information

Hound dog
Hound dog
Height Male:
56 - 74 cm
22 - 30 inches
65 - 75 cm
25 - 30 inches
Height Female:
50 - 68 cm
19 - 27 inches
60 - 70 cm
23 - 28 inches
Weight Male:
20 - 29 kg
44 - 64 pounds
20 - 25 kg
44 - 56 pounds
Weight Female:
17 - 26 kg
37 - 58 pounds
15 - 25 kg
33 - 56 pounds
Life Span:
10 - 12 Years
10 - 15 Years
Litter Size:
6 - 12
3 - 7
Large dog
Large dog
Other Names:
Ibizan Warren HoundPodenco Ibicenco, Balearic Dog, Ca Eivissenc
Tuareg, Idi, Wulo, Rawondy, Hanshee, Sloughi, Osaka, Bareeru
Colors Available:
red and white
sand, fawn, dark fawn, brown
short and hard
short coat, smooth
Alert, Energetic, Gentle, Independent, Intelligent, Lively, Loving, Outgoing, Playful, Quiet
Affectionate, Cheerful, Curious, Energetic, Friendly, Intelligent, Lively, Loving, Loyal, Outgoing, Playful, Protective
Low maintenance
Moderate maintenance
Kids Friendly:
New Owners Friendly:


ibizan hound puppy - descriptionThe breed is agile, elegant, athletic and graceful. At the same time the Ibizan Hound is a fierce hunter travelling at unreal speeds to catch his rabbit prey. They are a hardy breed with a lean and long neck, and a lean, muscled body with laid back shoulders. The ears are specific to the breed, with a broad base leading to long, beautiful ears. They have tan eye rims, nose, foot pads, and ears. The eyes themselves are an amber with an intelligent and alert expression.

azawakh puppy - descriptionAzawakh is a large dog breed placed in a family of the hounds. It looks almost like any hound we know – slim, with long and skinny legs, with a big-boned chest with a stomach placed up with the spine. They have thin and a bit longer tail, narrow nose and small skull in a triangle shape. Their body may look skinny but it is just the way they should look. Actually, you could probably see the bone structure of the adult Azawakh because they, like any other hounds, have specific muscles – very thin and flat. They can be found in many coat colours like sand, fawn or dark fawn, even brown. Their coat is very short, usually with white marks on the neck, chest and all four paws. In Africa, Azawakh can be found in a diversity of colours.


Children friendliness

ibizan hound dog - characteristicsThey love children but be careful they do not knock them over and don’t let the children play to rough.

Special talents

Exceptional jumping ability, speed and stamina.


Must have a large fenced yard and a place to run full out.

Learning ability

Very intelligent with excellent learning ability.

Children friendliness

azawakh dog - characteristicsOnce Azawakh is a part of the family, he will try to find his place. If you teach him that you are the main figure, they will be obedient and affectionate pet. They love children, and they will surely be always close to them, guarding them and making sure they are safe.

Special talents

canine freestyle sports, heelwork to music competitions.


If your Azawakh pet is trained well and socialized, they can fit in almost anywhere. Some will say that they hate cats, but there are some cases where they were raised with them and they did just fine. They will be quite tolerant of a stranger in your house. Since they get attached to the family, it is not recommendable to consider this breed as a new-owner kind of pet.

Learning ability

Once you set yourself as a pact leader, you will have almost no problems with training your dog various tricks. Azawakh is an intelligent breed, they learn quickly and they will be more than happy to show you every day what they have learned. It is necessary to start socializing your Azawakh dog while he is still a pup. They don’t respond well to harsh methods of teaching so you should really avoid them.

Health Problems

ibizan hound puppies - health problemsDespite being isolated on the islands for all those years, the Ibizan Hound has several tendencies toward medical issues:

  • Allergic Reactions -insecticides, drugs and flea powders.
  • Seizures – can be medicated.
  • Axonal Dystrophy – a muscle and nerve disease.
  • Cataracts – occasional occurrence.
  • Retinal Dysplasia – occurs rarely
  • Deafness – can be at birth or developmental.

azawakh puppies - health problemsThe Azawakh breed is very rare and this kind of information cannot be still guaranteed. If they are bred with a healthy family, they are usually very healthy and don’t need much of the vet care. Some of the diseases that were found in a medical history of this magnificent dog report heart problems (usually caused by their super high need of daily activity), problems with the thyroid glands, and skin diseases caused by the increased secretion of the thyroid glands which causes their skin to become dry and in some cases even the loss of the hair.

Caring The Pet

Feeding the puppy

ibizan hound dogs - caringYour Ibizan Hound is an athlete and needs to be fed like one. As a puppy he needs high quality breed or group (hound) specific food. Feed her 3-4 times a day based on calories. A puppy needs about 866 calories each day.

Feeding the adult

If your dog participates in sports as adults, they need between 1450 and 2900 calories each day. The exact amount depends on how much activity the dog is engaged in. Feed at least 2 times a day.

Points for Good Health

Great speed and stamina

Games and Exercises

Your Ibizan Hound is a working athlete. He needs a lot of exercise and he needs a chance to run full out so access to land is essential. It can be a large back yard, or it can be a dog park. No matter what it is, it is essential for the Ibizan Hound. She will also require long walks at least a couple times a day. However, do not over exercise your puppy. They are great jumpers as well as runners.

The sport of lure coursing was made for the Ibizan in the same way that it was made for the Greyhound. They are good at Flyball and agility as well.


azawakh dogs - caringThe Azawakh bred has a high risk of the obesity. They must be fed with special care since the food they eat can affect the thyroid glands function. They should never be overfed by average dry dog food. You will be advised to give them food with little percentage of the protein. They drink a lot of water and they like the dairy products. Their meals shouldn’t include fruits and vegetables, and some grains (millet, rice). They do not need to eat a lot of meat, but you can add some chicken in their meals.

Puppies should be fed three times per day. Their portions should be small and diverse. Keep in mind to feed them at the same time each day because their metabolism will be formed by this. Adult dogs are fed two times per day, at the same time as well. After the meal, let them rest for an hour or two and never give them meals right after high physical activity.

Points for Good Health

If you want your Azawakh dog to be healthy and happy make sure you provide them with enough space to run, explore, dig holes and always have some fresh water. They don’t need regular vet checks, but if you notice some changes in their digestion, lower activity or skin abnormalities, it is very important to take them to the vet station. They should never be kept indoors, so if you are living this kind of life maybe this kind of dog is not for you. But, if you are super active and if you have a couple of hours per day to spend with your Azawakh, maybe you can make him feel a lot better.

Games and Exercises

Since they like the warmer climate, you can take them running with you. They will be a great companion while you bike and leave them leash free but only if he is trained to stay by your side. If you have a yard, make sure to leave some areas free for digging and hiding their special toys or treats. They are extremely playful and cheerful, so they will wander off in no time. Some of the Azawakh dogs were great on the hiking trips, so you can try this daily activity once you train him to listen to you.

Comparison with other breeds

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