Manchester Terrier vs English White Terrier - Breed Comparison

Both Manchester Terrier and English White Terrier are originated from United Kingdom. Manchester Terrier may grow 16 cm / 6 inches shorter than English White Terrier. Both Manchester Terrier and English White Terrier are having almost same weight. Manchester Terrier may live 7 years more than English White Terrier. Manchester Terrier may have less litter size than English White Terrier. Manchester Terrier requires Low maintenance. But English White Terrier requires Moderate maintenance


manchester terrier - historyLooking much like the Black and Tan Terrier, the Manchester Terrier is a dog that was actually developed from the Black and Tan, which is the oldest known breed of terrier.

In the United States there are 2 varieties of the Manchester Terrier — the Toy and the Standard but in the UK the 2 sizes are classified as different breeds - the English Toy Terrier and the Manchester Terrier.

The dog was first bred in the 19th century to wipe out rats and mice, originating from Manchester, England. This is an old dog breed, gaining the nickname of the Gentleman's Terrier because of its dignified looks and personality.

After the 2nd World War, the numbers of the dog dropped and this spurred the kennel club to list it as a vulnerable native breed, in danger of extinction. It was in 1937 that the British Manchester Terrier Club was formed.

The English White Terrier was developed in the 1860’s by a group of breeders from the Sealyham terriers, the Jack Russell terrier, and the Fox Terrier. These breeders were looking for a white terrier that could be more successful in the show ring than the current prick-eared English terrier. They named their new breed, the English White Terrier or the Old English terrier. In later years in the United States, the English White Terrier was mixed again with the Rat Terrier and the Old English Bulldog to create both the Boston terrier and the Bull terrier.

Although the breed did not last long it did have a prestigious ancestry that could be traced back centuries in England among ancient terriers. The word terrier was in use in England in 1440, showing that the dogs were well known at that time. Most historians agree that the dogs were even older than the 1400’s. It is believed that terriers who “went to ground” after prey, existed as far back as the time of Christ in England.

Most of these ancestors of the English White Terrier were not white. White terriers came onto the scene around the 1700’s.The first picture of white terriers appeared in 1790 when Sawre Gilpin, a British artist, painted “A Huntsman with Hounds Foxhunting” and the terriers in the painting were white with brown marks. Others began to show the same kind of terriers in their artwork – white coated. Before this it is believed that breeders killed the white terriers at birth because they were often deaf and inferior to the other terriers. In the early part of the 19th century, the white terrier began to be completely white with no markings. The Kennel Club recognized them in 1874 as the White English Terrier.

The breed faced many genetic issues, deafness and the Kennel Clubs felt there was no difference between the current White English terrier and the English White terrier despite the difference in their ears. The new English White Terrier had dropped ears instead of Prick-ears. They considered them to be the same breed and not even different types. They were the smallest of all terriers and considered to be a good pet but not a show dog or a working dog. Because of this it was not very popular, and it actually had been bred to be a show dog and not a working dog. The English White Terrier was not recognized by any Kennel Club and within 30 years it was extinct.

Basic Information

Terrier dog
Terrier dog
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
Height Male:
25 - 30 cm
9 - 12 inches
44 - 46 cm
17 - 19 inches
Height Female:
25 - 30 cm
9 - 12 inches
42 - 44 cm
16 - 18 inches
Weight Male:
2 - 4 kg
4 - 9 pounds
6 - 9 kg
13 - 20 pounds
Weight Female:
2 - 4 kg
4 - 9 pounds
5 - 8 kg
11 - 18 pounds
Life Span:
10 - 15 Years
5 - 8 Years
Litter Size:
2 - 4
5 - 9
Small dog
Small dog
Other Names:
Gentleman's Terrier, the Manchester
Old White English Terrier, White English Terrier Old English Terrier British White Terrier. Old White Terrier
Colors Available:
Black and Tan
brown, white with brindle, black or other markings
Short and smooth
Close, hard, short, and glossy
Affectionate, Alert, Cheerful, Courageous, Curious, Energetic, Friendly, Gentle, Independent, Intelligent, Lively, Loving, Loyal, Outgoing, Playful, Protective, Quiet, Responsive, Social, Stubborn, Territorial
Affectionate, Aggressive, Docile, Friendly, Gentle, Lively, Loving
Low maintenance
Moderate maintenance
Kids Friendly:
New Owners Friendly:


manchester terrier puppy - descriptionThe Manchester Terrier is a small, smooth haired dog with a black and tan coat and a head with a fairly long muzzle, small bright eyes, largish erect ears and a deep chest.

The body is lean and muscular and the tail, where once docked, now tends to be left long. In the toy sized dog you will find him standing at roughly 25 – 30cm in height and he will weigh between 2 to 4kg. The standard sized dog will be slightly taller and heavier and weigh in the region of 8kg.

You can expect between 2 – 4 puppies from a breeding pair.


Feisty, energetic, alert and intelligent are some of the words which describe the Manchester Terrier. Like any other dog, training and socialization will make him a splendid pet, obedient and amicable among people.

He is loving and loyal, courageous and feisty and guaranteed to make you an eager-to-please pet. He can adapt to life in the city or countryside, but is going to need plenty of exercise wherever you keep him as a pet.

The English White Terrier had a pure white coat with no markings of any kind. His coat was short, hard, and glossy and his body was firm, muscular and hard. The breed was small – almost a toy. They had a body like the Manchester Terrier. They had long legs and large feet. The tail was medium size and straight out from the body.

The English White Terrier had a very refined head with a fairly long muzzle. Their bite was even, and their eyes were brown, amber or black. Their ears dropped – unlike the pricked ears of the White English Terrier.


manchester terrier dog - characteristicsThe Manchester Terrier has so many good qualities that make him such a good pet. Low maintenance, he is clean and well groomed to look at. He is also a healthy dog breed, nice and active and low maintenance.

This little dog is willing to come into your home and heart. He will make you a wonderful pet and friend for as long as 15 years if you take special care of him.

The English White Terrier was affectionate and devoted to his family. It was the softest tempered of all terriers and made an excellent pet. Some of the English White Terriers were animal aggressive while others were not. Training was difficult because of the wide-spread deafness in the breed. IT loved to be cuddled and held. They were also tenacious and game for any type of fight or hunt despite their size and deficiencies.

Health Problems

manchester terrier puppies - health problemsThis dog breed is fairly healthy and can reach a good age if looked after well. Every dog though, can be affected by a number of inheritable genetic disorders.

Glaucoma is a common genetic condition in Terrier breeds, including the Manchester Terrier. Secondary glaucoma, which is known as lens luxation is brought about when there is excessive pressure in the eyeball. The lens of the eye is put out of alignment. Most times surgery is the solution.

Von Willebrand's Disease is a blood disorder that affects the clotting process. A dog with this disease will have bleeding gums, continuous bleeding after surgery and sometimes blood in the stool. It’s a disease which can’t be cured but it can be managed with treatments.

The breed was considered to be unhealthy for the most part and became extinct because of this. Many complained that the breed was inbred and had a weak constitution because of it. Deafness was prevalent throughout the breed. This deafness occurs in many white animals, but the English White Terrier had the highest rates among all white dogs.

Caring The Pet


manchester terrier dogs - caringLow maintenance, the Manchester Terrier will only require a brushing once or twice a week. Check his eyes and ears for infections, clip his nails and brush his teeth 2 or 3 times a week.


The Manchester Terrier is a lean, muscular dog and you want to be sure to keep him that way. If you feed him commercially manufactured food, make sure that it is one of the high quality brands – food which is packed full of vitamins and minerals to ensure the health of your dog.

Any packaged food you buy should be appropriate to the dog’s age and his activity levels. You won’t be doing your dog a favor by feeding him treats that you enjoy such as chocolate, coffee, peanuts, raisins, grapes and onions.

Dogs want simple food that don’t change much. Keeping things simple prevents upset stomachs. Give him some wholesome home-made food occasionally to add into his dry kibble. This can be boiled chicken, brown rice or pasta and some cooked or raw vegetables such as potatoes, carrots and spinach. Some raw meat added in from time to time can also do wonders for your dog. Make sure he has access around the clock to fresh, cool water.


The Manchester Terrier wants lots of exercise, and apart from him having his regular daily walks, he will need runs off the leash in the park. If you go cycling for instance, he will readily run beside you.


It was best to feed the English White Terrier 1-2 cups of dry meal per day served in 2 meals.

Health issues

As mention previously, the English White Terrier was congenitally deaf and had a weak constitution.

Exercise and games

This little dog with all its problems was still a very energetic dog and needed considerable exercise. Owners had to develop exercises and games to keep the English White Terrier occupied as with any terrier. If they didn’t have a job or something to occupy their minds and bodies, they were destructive.

Comparison with other breeds

  1. Miniature Schnauzer vs Manchester Terrier - Breed Comparison
  2. Rat Terrier vs Manchester Terrier - Breed Comparison
  3. Scottish Terrier vs Manchester Terrier - Breed Comparison
  4. Patterdale Terrier vs Manchester Terrier - Breed Comparison
  5. Norwich Terrier vs Manchester Terrier - Breed Comparison
  6. Norfolk Terrier vs Manchester Terrier - Breed Comparison
  7. Parson Russell Terrier vs Manchester Terrier - Breed Comparison
  8. Russell Terrier vs Manchester Terrier - Breed Comparison
  9. Manchester Terrier vs Boston Terrier - Breed Comparison
  10. Manchester Terrier vs Jack Russell Terrier - Breed Comparison
  11. Manchester Terrier vs West Highland White Terrier - Breed Comparison
  12. Manchester Terrier vs Cairn Terrier - Breed Comparison
  13. Manchester Terrier vs Border Terrier - Breed Comparison
  14. Manchester Terrier vs Australian Terrier - Breed Comparison
  15. Manchester Terrier vs American Hairless Terrier - Breed Comparison
  16. Manchester Terrier vs Bull Terrier Miniature - Breed Comparison
  17. Manchester Terrier vs English White Terrier - Breed Comparison
  18. Manchester Terrier vs Feist - Breed Comparison
  19. Manchester Terrier vs Dandie Dinmont Terrier - Breed Comparison
  20. Manchester Terrier vs Cesky Terrier - Breed Comparison
  21. Manchester Terrier vs Glen of Imaal Terrier - Breed Comparison
  22. Manchester Terrier vs Chilean Fox Terrier - Breed Comparison
  23. Manchester Terrier vs Black and Tan Terrier - Breed Comparison
  24. Manchester Terrier vs Cairland Terrier - Breed Comparison
  25. Manchester Terrier vs Fell Terrier - Breed Comparison
  26. Jack Russell Terrier vs English White Terrier - Breed Comparison
  27. Miniature Schnauzer vs English White Terrier - Breed Comparison
  28. Rat Terrier vs English White Terrier - Breed Comparison
  29. Scottish Terrier vs English White Terrier - Breed Comparison
  30. Patterdale Terrier vs English White Terrier - Breed Comparison
  31. Norwich Terrier vs English White Terrier - Breed Comparison
  32. Norfolk Terrier vs English White Terrier - Breed Comparison
  33. English White Terrier vs Boston Terrier - Breed Comparison
  34. English White Terrier vs West Highland White Terrier - Breed Comparison
  35. English White Terrier vs Cairn Terrier - Breed Comparison
  36. English White Terrier vs Border Terrier - Breed Comparison
  37. English White Terrier vs Australian Terrier - Breed Comparison
  38. English White Terrier vs American Hairless Terrier - Breed Comparison
  39. English White Terrier vs Bull Terrier Miniature - Breed Comparison
  40. English White Terrier vs Dandie Dinmont Terrier - Breed Comparison
  41. English White Terrier vs Cesky Terrier - Breed Comparison
  42. English White Terrier vs Chilean Fox Terrier - Breed Comparison
  43. English White Terrier vs Black and Tan Terrier - Breed Comparison
  44. English White Terrier vs Cairland Terrier - Breed Comparison
  45. Parson Russell Terrier vs English White Terrier - Breed Comparison
  46. Russell Terrier vs English White Terrier - Breed Comparison
  47. Feist vs English White Terrier - Breed Comparison
  48. Miniature Fox Terrier vs English White Terrier - Breed Comparison
  49. Glen of Imaal Terrier vs English White Terrier - Breed Comparison

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