Pachon Navarro vs Longhaired Weimaraner - Breed Comparison

Pachon Navarro vs Longhaired Weimaraner - Breed ComparisonPachon Navarro is originated from Spain but Longhaired Weimaraner is originated from Germany. Pachon Navarro may grow 13 cm / 5 inches shorter than Longhaired Weimaraner. Pachon Navarro may weigh 7 kg / 15 pounds lesser than Longhaired Weimaraner. Both Pachon Navarro and Longhaired Weimaraner has almost same life span. Both Pachon Navarro and Longhaired Weimaraner has same litter size. Pachon Navarro requires Low maintenance. But Longhaired Weimaraner requires Moderate maintenance


pachon navarro - historyKnown also as the Navarra Pointer, this is a Spanish hunting dog native to Navarre, Spain and descended from the extinct Old Spanish Pointer.

Major kennel clubs don’t recognize this dog as a standardized breed, but the Spanish Kennel Club has accepted the Pachón Navarro as a breed.

It is believed that this dog has also descended from other hounds as well as the Talbot hounds. It isn’t a new breed as it is thought that the dog originated in the 12th century already. There were times when the dog almost became extinct but efforts to preserve it have been made and to also establish it as a standardized breed.

longhaired weimaraner - historyYou may be used to the sleek, silver shorthaired Weimaraner, but did you know you get a beautiful long haired version too? Known also as the Long Coated Weimaraner or the ‘Gray Ghost’, with its mesmerising amber eyes, the less common long haired variety shares a similar history as the more familiar short haired version.

The dog originates in Germany and was developed to be a hunting dog. It is believed that the silver dog dates back to the early 1800’s, and in 1897 the first breed club in Germany was formed to protect the future of this dog.

The longhair coat is recognized in all countries except the American Kennel Club.

Basic Information

Gun dog
Gun dog
Height Male:
48 - 57 cm
18 - 23 inches
58 - 70 cm
22 - 28 inches
Height Female:
48 - 57 cm
18 - 23 inches
58 - 70 cm
22 - 28 inches
Weight Male:
27 - 33 kg
59 - 73 pounds
25 - 40 kg
55 - 89 pounds
Weight Female:
27 - 33 kg
59 - 73 pounds
25 - 40 kg
55 - 89 pounds
Life Span:
12 - 15 Years
11 - 14 Years
Litter Size:
4 - 8
6 - 8
Large dog
Large dog
Other Names:
Navarra Pointer
Grey Ghost, Weim
Colors Available:
white and black, White and brown, white and an orangey color - ticking or freckles
Short and smooth
Long, soft and silky
Affectionate, Alert, Cheerful, Courageous, Curious, Docile, Energetic, Friendly, Gentle, Independent, Intelligent, Lively, Loving, Loyal, Outgoing, Playful, Protective, Quiet, Responsive, Social, Territorial
Affectionate, Aggressive, Alert, Cheerful, Courageous, Curious, Energetic, Friendly, Independent, Intelligent, Lively, Loving, Loyal, Outgoing, Playful, Protective, Responsive, Social, Stubborn, Territorial
Low maintenance
Moderate maintenance
Kids Friendly:
New Owners Friendly:


pachon navarro puppy - descriptionThis dog is large sized, standing at between 48 and 57cm in height and weighing between 27 and 33kg. A most unusual feature and characteristic unseen in dogs in general is his split or double nose. The nose of the dog serves the same purpose however, as with any other dog.

The head is fairly large with a broad forehead. The broad head of the dog is generally solid colored. The coat of the coat of the dog is short and of a hard texture. Colors of the coat are white and brown or white and black or white and an orangey color with ticking.

The eyes are large and brown, the ears are long and broad with a rounded tip and the tail is long too. These dogs have a strong, sturdy body with strong legs.


The Pachon Navarro is a friendly, social, intelligent, loving and loyal dog. He is also gentle and docile with an amicable nature, making him a splendid choice for those with children in the home as well as pets.

He is athletic and energetic and is going to need a good dose of daily exercise. Apart from their strong hunting instincts, they make excellent family pets and companions and is most certainly not a dog to be put outdoors day after day without the contact of his human family.

He is intelligent and a quick learner and will benefit from training and socialization as this makes him obedient and it also bring about positive changes with any bad behavior from this excellent pet.

He requires a kind, firm, patient and consistent owner. This particular dog won’t be suited to living in a tiny property in the city, as they require a lot of space to run and exercise.

longhaired weimaraner puppy - descriptionThe Longhair Weimaraner with its eye-catching grey coat is a large dog that stands between 58 and 70cm and weighs between 25 to 40kg.

These dogs, unlike the short haired version, have the tail traditionally long and the tail is feathered. The eyes are a blue-green, amber or grey color. The grey coat is soft and silky and even though it is quite long, a brush twice a week will keep it in tip-top condition.


The Longhaired Weimaraner’s temperament is the same as the short haired variety. He is also a superb field dog with excellent hunting skills.

They’re very active dogs, looking for plenty of mental and physical stimulation. For first-time dog owners, this might prove to be too demanding, so the long haired Weimaraner might not be the best first-choice dog to get.

They can be aggressive when meeting new people and he will certainly require training and socialization if you want him to be calm and obedient.


pachon navarro dog - characteristicsThe Pachón Navarro is an active, friendly, playful, affectionate dog and he makes a great family pet. He will however want lots of outdoor exercise, making him a suitable companion for active owners. Inactive city dwellers should think of keeping a more docile kind of indoor pet.

Your Pachón Navarro just loves the company of his human family and will be dejected if made to spend all his time outside and away from his owner.

He also takes his role as guardian and protector seriously. Give him what he requires and make him part of the family and he will be a most remarkable friend and companion.

longhaired weimaraner dog - characteristicsYour Long Haired Weimaraner is a friendly, alert dog that makes for an excellent companion and watchdog. The fact that he is also restless, confident, independent and strong-willed means that training and socialization will be necessary to make him pleasant and obedient.

You can’t always count on him to be amicable as he also has a bit of an aggressive side.

The way your Long Haired Weimaraner turns out will depend on heredity, the personality of the owner as well as training and socialization.

These dogs want to be with their human family and will follow the owner around and contentedly lie at their feet. Once he's trained, the Weimaraner is guaranteed to make you a fine family companion.

Health Problems

pachon navarro puppies - health problemsPachon Navarros are generally healthy dogs and you’re not likely to spend much time at the vets with these dogs. They can reach up to 15 years of age if looked after well, but with the long ears they are prone to ear infections.

Moisture, wax and dirt can all build up inside the dog's ears and this can cause a painful ear infection with the dog scratching and pawing at his ear.

Bloat is another illness to look out for and you'll notice your dog is lethargic and has a swollen, hard stomach with gas being trapped inside. The condition is life threatening and will require a trip to the vet.

longhaired weimaraner puppies - health problemsHip Dysplasia is a medical threat to all dog breeds and fortunately the Weimaraner is a dog breed that has a low rate of dysplasia. When buying a Long Haired Weimaraner, try and get one from breeders who have had their breeding dogs hip-tested.

You’ll notice that the Weimaraner is a deep-chested dog and he is prone to bloating, which can turn out to be life threatening for your dog if not treated immediately.

The stomach twists and is swollen with no bowel movements. The dog is restless and in distress and needs immediate attention. To help, instead of giving one large meal which is gobbled up quickly, give him 2 smaller meals.

Skin allergies are also quite common in these dogs and you don’t want your silver dogs coat going off as it is his crowning glory.

If he is scratching, his skin is dry, red and itchy, get him to the vet as it can even be parasites at work, causing an allergic reaction.

Caring The Pet

pachon navarro dogs - caringYour Pachon Navarros is a low maintenance dog and you will just be required to give him a good brush. He is a moderate shedder and this brushing down will keep the skin and coat healthy.

Because of his long, floppy ears, you will need to check inside them because moisture, dirt and wax can build up and encourage an ear infection. Don’t try to clean inside your pet’s ears if you’re not sure how, rather find out about cleaning the ears from the vet.

The nails will also need to be clipped as well as checking regularly on the eyes and teeth.


Your Pachon Navarro is a hardworking dog and you want to ensure tasty, palatable food that is properly digested and eliminated without problems. If you feed your dog a commercially manufactured dog food, choose the best quality and check out the labels.

Make sure that the food doesn’t contain lots of preservatives, colorants and fillers. Some of the best kibble has the right balance of vitamins and minerals in them. With these kind of hunting dogs, it is best to feed your dog hours before vigorous exercise such as a hunt.

Try and vary the regular kibble by adding in simple, but tasty home-made food occasionally. Dogs appreciate simple food without spices and exotic ingredients as its keeps their stomachs free from pain, gas and bloat.

Some chopped up boiled chicken, some brown rice or pasta and some vegetables such as sweet potato, carrots and spinach is super healthy for your pet as well as adding in a little bit of raw meat from time to time.

Remember clean, fresh water must be constantly available.


longhaired weimaraner dogs - caringWhen you bring a Long Haired Weimaraner home, you will need to invest in brush and comb for his long hair. They’re active dogs and love nothing more than running in a field, rolling in mud and being very active.

His coat will need to be brushed at least twice a week to keep it looking silvery and shimmering. Check the ears, eyes and teeth whenever you brush him and get used to cleaning his teeth regularly too.

If in doubt about how to keep your pet well groomed in terms of looks and health, speak to a dog expert, your vet or professional groomer.


Your ‘Gray Ghost’ dog has been a very successful hunting dog, and they are high-energy gun dogs. As a large dog he will have particular nutritional needs to fuel his energetic lifestyle.The dog’s high activity levels need to be taken into account when looking at his diet.

Buy the best commercially manufactured food. Add to his kibble some cooked chicken, brown rice or pasta and cooked or raw vegetables from time to time as well as bits of raw meat. Your dog will thank you for keeping his meals simple but nutritious.

Comparison with other breeds

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