Slovakian Hound vs Lagotto Romagnolo - Breed Comparison

Slovakian Hound vs Lagotto Romagnolo - Breed ComparisonSlovakian Hound is originated from Slovakia but Lagotto Romagnolo is originated from Italy. Both Slovakian Hound and Lagotto Romagnolo are having almost same height. Both Slovakian Hound and Lagotto Romagnolo are having almost same weight. Slovakian Hound may live 3 years less than Lagotto Romagnolo. Both Slovakian Hound and Lagotto Romagnolo has same litter size. Slovakian Hound requires Low maintenance. But Lagotto Romagnolo requires Moderate maintenance


slovakian hound - historyThe Slovakian Hound is also known as the Slovenský Kopov or the Black Forest Hound. This is a scenthound which comes from Slovakia in Central Europe and has been bred for boar hunting.

The breed was first recognized in the 1870s, with dogs such as the Austrian Black and Tan Hound as well as the Hungarian Greyhound being thought to be part of dogs ancestry. The breed club was established in 1988 and is recognized by the FCI.

lagotto romagnolo - historyThe Lagotto Romagnolo dog, known as the Water Dog of Romagna, and falling into the sporting dog category, is a pure breed dog which comes from the Romagna region of Italy.

The dog’s role was that of gun dog and to retrieve water birds. Today he is more used as a truffle hunter in Italy as well as being used for a therapy dog.

In 2015 the Lagotto Romagnolo was accepted by the American Kennel Club into the sporting dog category.

Basic Information

Sporting dog
Sporting dog
Height Male:
43 - 47 cm
16 - 19 inches
41 - 48 cm
16 - 19 inches
Height Female:
43 - 47 cm
16 - 19 inches
41 - 48 cm
16 - 19 inches
Weight Male:
14 - 17 kg
30 - 38 pounds
11 - 16 kg
24 - 36 pounds
Weight Female:
14 - 17 kg
30 - 38 pounds
11 - 16 kg
24 - 36 pounds
Life Span:
11 - 14 Years
13 - 17 Years
Litter Size:
2 - 6
4 - 6
Medium dog
Medium dog
Other Names:
Slovenský Kopov
Water Dog of Romagna
Colors Available:
Black and tan
grey, apricot, Cream, white, brown or tan.
Short and thick
Waterproof, curly double coat with a woolly texture
Affectionate, Alert, Cheerful, Courageous, Curious, Docile, Energetic, Friendly, Gentle, Independent, Intelligent, Lively, Loving, Loyal, Outgoing, Playful, Protective, Quiet, Responsive, Social, Stubborn, Territorial
Affectionate, Alert, Cheerful, Courageous, Curious, Energetic, Friendly, Gentle, Independent, Intelligent, Lively, Loving, Loyal, Outgoing, Playful, Protective, Responsive, Social, Stubborn, Sweet, Territorial
Low maintenance
Moderate maintenance
Kids Friendly:
New Owners Friendly:


slovakian hound puppy - descriptionThe Slovakian Hound is a muscular dog of medium height and with a long tail and long drop ears. The short coat is always black with tan markings.

These compact looking dogs stand in height at about 43 to 47cm and weigh in the region of 14 to 17kg. The face is friendly and the eyes alert and bright.


Independent and intelligent, the Solvakian Hound will learn some basic commands easily. He is adaptable and will fit into life in the countryside as well as the city, so long as he is well exercised.

He is a sociable, playful dog and will do well with children, particularly if he has been trained and socialized. He is also a good choice for the first-time dog owner. He is alert and makes a good watchdog too.

lagotto romagnolo puppy - descriptionThe Lagotto Ramagnolo is a medium sized dog where both males and females stand anything between 41 and 48cm and weigh 11 to 16kg.

He is well proportioned and muscled, he has large yellow or brown eyes with a black or brown/pinkish nose, floppy, rounded ears and a tail which is left long these days.

The Lagotto Romagnolo has a waterproof double coat with a woolly texture and which hardly sheds, putting him as being hypoallergenic.

The coat can be in a number of different colors such as cream, grey, white, apricot, brown or tan. The face of the dog has a bit of a beard as well as noticeable bushy eyebrows.


  • Jaunty and feisty
  • Cheerful, lively and alert
  • Intelligent and easily trainable
  • Loving and loyal
  • Undemanding

Because the Lagotto is a sporting breed, he has had to call on all his senses to retrieve water birds. Good eyesight, sharp listening skills and an excellent sense of smell makes him the ideal gun dog but he also makes a loyal family pet.

He makes a good playmate for children and he happily gets on well with other pets in the home. Being an intelligent dog, he is easy to train too.

The sporting past of his has made it that he isn’t a couch-potato type of dog and he will require mental- and physical stimulation. His role as gun dog meant that he was required to retrieve birds in water, and he is an excellent swimmer and will happily plunge into water to join you in a swim.

Have him trained and socialized and you’ll find him tuned in to obeying your commands. Because of his smallish size, the Lagotto can adjust well to life in the city or in the countryside, just so long as he still receives his full quota of exercise.


slovakian hound dog - characteristicsHis job as a hunting dog has meant that the Slovakian Hound is a brave, energetic, determined dog.

As a pet and companion, you won’t be disappointed as he puts as much effort into his relationships with his human family as he does with hunting.

This amicable dog makes a wonderfully loyal and devoted pet, companion and guard dog.

lagotto romagnolo dog - characteristicsMany dog lovers appreciate that the Lagotto Romagnolos is looked upon as an allergy-friendly dog with his non-shedding coat.

Being a medium sized dog, he is manageable too. Add to that excellent characteristics such as being amicable, friendly and loving. Training him some important, basic commands won’t be difficult either and you can add in intelligence to his list of good qualities.

As loving dogs, they are dedicated to their families, getting on well with children in the home as well as with other pets. He is a social dog and just longs to be a treasured member of the family like anybody else.

Count him in with all your activities and you’re going to have a one-in-a-million undemanding and contented canine friend.

Health Problems

slovakian hound puppies - health problemsMost dogs at some or other time will be faced with a particular health challenge. Most times the veterinarian can fix these problems with the right kind of treatment.

The Slovakian Hound is a healthy dog breed and you aren’t likely to come up with too many problems, though it it wise to be aware of some of the more common dog illnesses there are -

Hearing and Vision Loss:

This is something you can expect as your Slovakian Hound ages. It is brought on by tissue degeneration. With eyes, dogs can develop cataracts. With his ears, consistently cleaning and watching out for ear infections can also help with slowing down hearing loss.

Joint Problems:

Apart from hip dysplasia which can start with even very young dogs, osteoarthritis can cause joint pain and stiffness of joints. It’s a degenerative disease, but fortunately there are a number of treatments to alleviate pain. Remember that nutrition plays a huge role in reducing joint problems in dogs.


Cancer is also a disease that has no respect for the age of the dog or dog breed. When you brush your pet, feel for any unusual lumps. Not all lumps are cancerous but it will be a good idea to have your pet checked over by the vet.

lagotto romagnolo puppies - health problemsLagotto live roughly 16 years with the best food, exercise and loving environment. Some health issues may well crop up, though unlikely, but it is good to be aware of them.

Hip Dysplasia:

You hear the words ‘Hip dysplasia’ being bandied about a lot in the world of dogs because it is such a common dog ailment. Your dog can’t be cured but there are a range of management options that will ensure your pet remains as comfortable as possible.

It is such a common joint disease where the hips partially dislocate. Without veterinary intervention, it can be debilitating and painful. It is essentially a genetic condition but diet and environmental factors can come into play too.

You don’t want your pet putting on too much weight as this puts extra strain on the joints.

Neuroaxonal Dystrophy:

Your dog has loss of function because of the degeneration of cells or tissues. The illness affects different parts of the brain in dogs. You’ll notice a mild tremor of the head and uncoordinated movements. Your vet will want a history of your pet’s health as well as lab tests.

Caring The Pet

slovakian hound dogs - caring● Like every other dog, the Slovakian Hound will need exercise if he is to remain healthy and fit. There are lots of back-yard games for dogs such as hide and seek and ball and rope games. He will also love a daily walk.

● Always provide your dog with the best food there is as this encourages good health. Your Slovakian Hound requires top quality food, and while there are some good commercially manufactured foods on the market, it is important to choose the high quality ones that have natural, good ingredients in them.

Try to include some home-made food for him which can be simply mixed into the dry kibble twice a week. Boiled chicken, brown rice or pasta and spinach, sweet potatoes and carrots is super tasty and nutritious. Also try to include some raw meat into the diet occasionally as this helps with preventing skin diseases.

Make sure he always has access to clean, fresh water.

● Trim your Slovakian Hound's nails and check his eyes and ears for infection. The inside of the ears shouldn’t be red and the eyes should be clear and bright. If he will allow you to, check inside his mouth too to make sure there are no bad teeth.

● Provide your dog with a warm, dry place to sleep.

● Never, ever leave him in a hot car unattended to.

● Don’t allow your dog to have puppies. There are so many unwanted puppies all over the world. Rather have him or her spayed or neutered to avoid puppies that nobody wants. It is beneficial for his health too.


lagotto romagnolo dogs - caringNot everyone agrees with how to take care of the Lagotto’s rough, waterproof coat of thick curls. The coat doesn’t shed much but it can pick up grass and small twigs easily. Unless brushed out at least 2 or 3 times a week, the coat can become matted and unruly. For many the coat needs to be trimmed regularly.


The Lagotto needs plenty of exercise. His hunting and retrieving past has given him a natural urge to retrieve and he loves going after every ball you throw him. He will also love to join you on your daily walks and it gives him the chance to sniff around. With swimming being added in, this dog is your true sporting buddy.


Make sure you feed your Lagotto the very best quality food there is to ensure his well-being and longevity. If you're unsure about whether he is getting in all the necessary vitamins and minerals with his food, speak to a dog expert as good food is key to a happy, healthy dog.

Comparison with other breeds

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