Scottish Deerhound vs Alaunt - Breed Comparison | MyDogBreeds

Scottish Deerhound vs Alaunt - Breed ComparisonScottish Deerhound is originated from United Kingdom but Alaunt is originated from Afghanistan. Both Scottish Deerhound and Alaunt are having almost same height. Scottish Deerhound may weigh 18 kg / 39 pounds lesser than Alaunt. Scottish Deerhound may live 3 years less than Alaunt. Scottish Deerhound may have more litter size than Alaunt. Both Scottish Deerhound and Alaunt requires Low maintenance.


scottish deerhound - historyThe Scottish Deerhound is considered the Royal Dog of Scotland. It is a sighthound that is large and bred to hunt large Red Deer. They are similar in appearance to the Greyhound, but they are bigger and heavier. Closely related to the Irish Wolfhound, they were used in creating it. The Scottish Deerhound is an ancient breed that is now very rare. It can trace its lineage to the 16th and 17th centuries.

The Deerhound was a favorite of hunting nobility and could not be kept by any person or household that did not have at least the rank of earl. Despite this history the Scottish Deerhound was not considered separate from the Highland Greyhound and other staghounds until the 19th century. They were bred to stalk or “course” the red deer and were used extensively for this purpose until the beginning of the 20th century. At that time there was a need for smaller, slower deer tracking dogs.

At the start of the 20th century, the land for deer hunting had grown smaller and so had the deer. Also, the invention of the rifle made the fast Deerhounds who could cover large tracks of ground in minutes, no longer a necessity for successful hunting. As the clan systems fell and the nobility rose, the Deerhounds became the dog for nobility and landowners. There were a few non-nobilities who also kept them and hunted with them. As they were less needed for hunting a few households kept them as show dogs.

In the United States and Canada, both the Scottish Deerhound and the Greyhound were used for hunting wolves and deer. In Australia, the Kangaroo Dog – a deerhound crossbreed, and Deerhounds were used to hunt wild boar, emu and kangaroos. The Deerhound is one of the oldest of the breeds that are Greyhound-like. The Deerhound is not as fast as the Greyhound if they are running on a smooth surface. Get them on a rough surface and the will out that Greyhound. They appear to be larger and rougher than they really are. This gives them an advantage over the lighter, smaller Greyhound.

The Deerhound was a contributor to development of the Irish Wolfhound toward the end of the 19th century.

alaunt - historyAlaunt is an extinct breed that existed 3000 years ago since 300 years ago. They were very popular dogs and people used them for many different tasks. They were a perfect working dog, but also they were used for wars and many other situations. Since the migrating was very common through the history, there were many different Alaunt breeds all over the Europe and Asia. Alaunt originated from central Asia, probably Afghanistan.

Basic Information

Hound dog
Working dog
United Kingdom
Height Male:
76 - 81 cm
29 - 32 inches
56 - 85 cm
22 - 34 inches
Height Female:
71 - 76 cm
27 - 30 inches
50 - 80 cm
19 - 32 inches
Weight Male:
39 - 50 kg
85 - 111 pounds
20 - 68 kg
44 - 150 pounds
Weight Female:
34 - 43 kg
74 - 95 pounds
16 - 60 kg
35 - 133 pounds
Life Span:
8 - 9 Years
10 - 12 Years
Litter Size:
14 - 15
6 - 10
Giant dog
Giant dog
Other Names:
White Kazbegi, White Balkan dogs, Alaunt Gentil, Alaunt de Boucherie, Boucherie
Colors Available:
gray, brindle, red, Blue, fawn, yellow
Minimal, Seasonal
Docile, Friendly, Gentle, Sweet
Affectionate, Alert, Cheerful, Courageous, Curious, Energetic, Gentle, Lively, Loyal, Protective
Low maintenance
Low maintenance
Kids Friendly:
New Owners Friendly:


scottish deerhound puppy - descriptionThe Scottish Deerhound looks a lot like the Greyhound, except it is heavily boned and larger in size. The Deerhound is also different in several other ways. Instead of the Greyhound, the Scottish Deerhound is more closely related to the Irish Wolfhound than the Deerhound. The Deerhound is a large, rough coated breed. It is a very tall breed; in fact, it is the tallest of all sighthounds.

The Deerhound has a long head with a flat skull and a muzzle that tapers at the end. They have dark eyes and a scissor bite with a tail that can be either curved or straight. The hair on their tails almost touches the ground. The rest of its coat is wiry and harsh with a beard, mustache and mane. The ears are soft and can be either held semi erect or folded against their head. Their coat is gray or grey-blue today but in the past, it might have been brindle, red fawn or yellow.

alaunt puppy - descriptionWeight of the Alaunt variates and it depended from dog to dog. The average weight of this breed was 20-68kg. While their height was 56-85cm. Females were slightly smaller with an average weight of 16-60kg, with a height of 50-80cm.

A lifespan of Alaunt was 10-12 years. Litter Size of an average Alaunt was 6-10 puppies.

Other Names for Alaunt are White Kazbegi, White Balkan dogs, Alaunt Gentil, Alaunt de Boucherie, Boucherie


1.Children friendliness – yes but watch out for little ones.

2.Special talents - speed and distance.

3.Adaptability - some but needs space to run.

scottish deerhound dog - characteristics4.Learning ability – intelligent but hunting and running instincts overcome all else.

alaunt dog - characteristicsThis breed was very powerful. They could adjust to any climate without any problems. Alaunt needed a lot of exercises because they were very strong and active dogs. They were also very intelligent dogs who knew what it wanted. People loved this breed because they were very smart, but also the perfect companion in every situation. Very protective but kind breed was loved in many countries.

Health Problems

scottish deerhound puppies - health problemsThe Scottish Deerhound does face some serious challenges on the health front. These include:

  • Cardiomyopathy – heart disease.
  • Osteosarcoma – Bone cancer.

• Cystinuria – recessive disorder that causes an inability for cystine to be filtered from the urine.

• Gastric Dilatation Volvulus – otherwise known as bloat and it can be life threatening if not treated quickly.

  • Hypothyroidism – easily treated with medication.
  • Neck pain – if no serious condition – medication can be taken.
  • Factor VII deficiency.
  • Stress is not handled well in this breed.

alaunt puppies - health problemsAlaunt was considered as a very healthy dog without any major issues. As every other breed they probably had some health problems, but overall this breed was very healthy and strong breed. Because of their health, they lived over 3000 years through many difficulties in the history of humankind.

Caring The Pet

scottish deerhound dogs - caring1.Feeding the puppy – Feed a high quality large or x large puppy dogfood at least 3-4 times a day. Do not overfeed.

2.Feeding the adult – Feed a high-quality adult large or x large dog food once or twice a day. Do not overfeed.

3.Points for Good Health - Stamina and speed.

4. Games and Exercises – The Deerhound needs plenty of exercise in a safe place where they have plenty of room to run. A small yard or life on a leash are not enough for this energetic breed. Play fetch, course running, Like the Greyhound they will be couch potatoes if you let them but that will hurt their health. Lure Coursing or hare coursing are good. Coyote hunting. Find space where they can run for the joy of running. Never force them to run – like along a bicycle

Feeding the Alaunt

alaunt dogs - caringSince this breed extinct 300 years ago they probably eat leftovers from their owners.

Grooming Alaunt

Grooming Alaunt was a very easy job, they had short and smooth hair so they did not require a lot of grooming.

Comparison with other breeds

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