Scottish Terrier vs Russell Terrier - Breed Comparison

Scottish Terrier vs Russell Terrier - Breed ComparisonBoth Scottish Terrier and Russell Terrier are originated from United Kingdom. Scottish Terrier may grow 9 cm / 3 inches shorter than Russell Terrier. Both Scottish Terrier and Russell Terrier are having almost same weight. Both Scottish Terrier and Russell Terrier has almost same life span. Both Scottish Terrier and Russell Terrier has same litter size. Scottish Terrier requires Moderate maintenance. But Russell Terrier requires Low maintenance


scottish terrier - historyThe Scottish Terrier is also known as the Aberdeen Terrier but people who love and know him refer to him fondly as the Scottie.

These little dogs were originally bred to hunt vermin on farms and their actual origin is ancient. It is believed that the first descriptions of these dogs date way back to 1436 with there being 2 varieties - a rough-haired Scotch Terrier and a smooth-haired English Terrier.

In 1881 the Scottish Terrier Club of England was founded with the Scottish Terrier Club of Scotland being founded in 1888. Scotties were introduced to America in the early 1890s.

russell terrier - historyThis feisty little dog was developed in England a couple of centuries ago. He has a well documented history. An interesting aspect with this dog is that the very name ‘Jack Russell’ became a common name for predominantly white terriers after the death of clergyman Jack Russell.

The Russell Terrier was developed from Jack Russell working terrier strains that were used in the 19th century for hunting fox. The dog has been standardized by Kennel Club recognition. The Fedédération Cynologique Internationale also recognizes the breed.

It was in the early 1970s that the Jack Russell Terrier Club of Great Britain was formed.

Basic Information

Terrier dog
Terrier dog
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
Height Male:
23 - 26 cm
9 - 11 inches
20 - 35 cm
7 - 14 inches
Height Female:
23 - 26 cm
9 - 11 inches
20 - 35 cm
7 - 14 inches
Weight Male:
8 - 10 kg
17 - 23 pounds
7 - 12 kg
15 - 27 pounds
Weight Female:
8 - 10 kg
17 - 23 pounds
7 - 12 kg
15 - 27 pounds
Life Span:
11 - 13 Years
12 - 14 Years
Litter Size:
2 - 8
4 - 8
Small dog
Small dog
Other Names:
Scottie, Aberdeen Terrier
Jack Russell terrier, Parson Russell terrier
Colors Available:
black-grey, Black, brindle, wheaten
black, White, tan
wiry, medium length
Short, broken and rough - 3 types of dogs
Affectionate, Alert, Cheerful, Courageous, Curious, Energetic, Friendly, Independent, Lively, Loving, Loyal, Outgoing, Playful, Protective, Quiet, Responsive, Social, Stubborn, Territorial
Affectionate, Alert, Cheerful, Courageous, Curious, Energetic, Friendly, Independent, Intelligent, Lively, Loving, Loyal, Outgoing, Playful, Protective, Responsive, Social, Stubborn, Territorial
Moderate maintenance
Low maintenance
Kids Friendly:
New Owners Friendly:


scottish terrier puppy - descriptionThe Scottish Terrier is a small dog, fairly robustly built but with short legs. He has a wiry, weather-resistant coat and a soft undercoat. The coat is essentially black but there are other colors too such as a wheaten shade, grey-black and brindle too.

The ears are erect, the eyes small and bright. The tail isn’t docked but is of medium length and is nearly always held up, without curling over the back.

Height at withers for both males and females should be roughly 23 to 26cm and weight in the region of 8 – 10 kg.


The Scottie is a an independent, robust breed. He is playful as a puppy, but as he matures he becomes more dignified and dour. He is stubborn, but being a terrier he is alert and makes a good watchdog. For a small dog he has a powerful bark.

He is smart too. Have him trained and socialized if you want him to be obedient.

Brave, loving and loyal, he can fit into life in the city or the countryside so long has he has his human family close by. He doesn’t take kindly to strangers and he he slightly aggressive with other dogs he doesn’t know. He makes a great playmate for children but he certainly doesn’t like being prodded, sat on and poked by small children.

russell terrier puppy - descriptionThe Russell Terrier has a weatherproof coat that is mainly white with patches of tan or black or maybe even both. You get the smooth haired type, the broken type- as well as the rough haired Russell Terrier. All these coats shed.

He is a small dog standing at between 20-35cm in height and weighing between 7 and 12kg.


Your Russell Terrier is a jaunty, fearless, confident little dog with a powerful personality. The bright face with alert eyes are constantly telling you that he is just ready to spring into action when you’re ready.

He just loves games and sports and you won’t have to ask him twice to join in. Happy and energetic, you could say it's his desire to hunt as well as his high energy levels that make it necessary for him to be trained and socialized It is of particular importance because he is so strong willed. Super smart, you won't have any trouble teaching him some basic commands.

He also makes a good watch dog and while he can be aggressive towards other dogs, he is prepared to get along with children in the house who have been disciplined and who know how to treat animals with respect and kindness.


scottish terrier dog - characteristicsThe Scottie is strong willed and independent, and training and socialization is important if you don’t want your Scottie believing he has the final say.

These dogs are stubborn and dominant and will need a strong, firm but kind owner. They’re aggressive with other dogs, but get on well with their human family.

When you bring one of these distinctive looking dogs into your home, he’ll be a loving, loyal friend.

russell terrier dog - characteristicsIt is true that this very active, very 'in-your-face' dog may not be everybody’s cup of tea. He will be discontent if not given the chance to run and be active.

If you’re a super active family who loves swimming, going on hikes or you enjoy sports such as cycling and horse riding, you can count the Russell Terrier in every time.

These dogs make a loving, loyal companion. They'll make you smile and be amused by their antics, bringing you lots of joy and entertainment.

Health Problems

scottish terrier puppies - health problemsYour Scottie is looked upon as being a generally healthy dog breed, but as with any other healthy dogs, he can succumb to some of the conditions and diseases that dogs get -

Von Willebrand's Disease:

This is an inherited blood disorder where the blood doesn’t clot properly. The dog will bleed excessively after an injury. Fortunately, while there isn’t a cure, dogs can lead normal lives.


Scottish Terriers are more prone to developing cancer than other dogs. Bladder cancer, lymphosarcoma and malignant melanoma are just some of the cancers they can get. Some cancers are treatable and there is a good success rate in dogs receiving chemotherapy.

When you brush your Scottie, look out for new, unusual lumps that could be indicative of cancer.

Scotty Cramp:

Scotty Cramp isn’t serious but uncomfortable for your pet. When your dog becomes worked up, you’ll see him arching his spine and he walks around for a few minutes with a stiff unnatural gait.


Obesity is regarded as a serious disease as it puts strain on the dogs joints and also creates back pain and digestive disorders.

russell terrier puppies - health problemsThe Russell Terrier is a robust little dog who can lead a good, healthy life of 13, 14 or 15 years if well cared for. There are however, a number of common dog ailments that he can succumb to. Some of these are cataracts, deafness and myasthenia gravis.

Myasthenia Gravis:

This disorder is caused by a breakdown of the transmission of impulses from the nerves to the muscles. The muscles can’t contract and the dog becomes weak. It’s a disease that can be an inherited congenital defect, and the Russell Terrier is at risk of getting this disease. Symptoms do vary from dog to dog but a common symptom is muscle weakness.

Caring The Pet


scottish terrier dogs - caringScotties were once bred as working dogs, and they will certainly require daily exercise and stimulation. He will love a walk but you can’t expect him to run with you as he has short legs.


The Scottie sheds, so he will need to be brushed at least twice weekly. He will require quite a bit of grooming in terms of having the coat professionally trimmed and clipped.

His eyes and ears will need to be checked as well as his teeth. He can’t tell you if he has terrible toothache and while brushing him, check the teeth. Trim his nails too.


It is always recommended that you feed dogs according to size, age and activity levels. Dogs are individuals and they don’t all need the same food.

The quality of the dog food you provide makes a huge difference on your dog’s health. It always pays to go with the better quality kibble available to dogs. Your Scottish Terrier will be depending on your for quality kibble with the right blend of vitamins and minerals.

Dogs thrive on simplicity and consistency and you want to provide him with some home-made food too that gels well with his digestive system. A little bit of raw meat occasionally can also do him the world of good.

Make sure he always has cool, fresh water to drink.


russell terrier dogs - caringThis little dog needs plenty of exercise, and being lazy yourself and not exercising him will lead to him becoming destructive through no fault of his.

He will need walks every day as well as runs in the park off his leash. Ball- and frisbee games fill him with delight and he gives chase every time. Even though he is small, he isn’t recommended for life in the city and small properties as he is a small dog with high energy needs and requires a lot of room to run.


The weatherproof coat isn’t going to require much grooming apart from a brushing twice week. Regular checking of the teeth, checking the eyes, looking inside the ears and checking for lumps will be required. He will also need to have his nails trimmed.

Provide him with nice, warm, dry place to sleep.

Have him neutered or spayed if you aren’t wanting puppies.

Keep his vaccines up to date and get him to a vet if you see his is lethargic, miserable and in pain.

Provide him with top quality food, whether it is commercially manufactured food or homemade food.

Your Russell Terrier will be relying on you for good food. Try to include some home-made food for him which can be simply mixed into the kibble twice a week which is easy to prepare and totally uncomplicated.

You can add everything together in one big pot -chicken, brown rice or pasta and spinach, sweet potatoes and carrots. This food can all be chopped up, refrigerated and added warmed up and in small portions to your pets dry kibble once or twice a week.

Simple and tasty, your Russell Terrier will love tasty treats like this. Ensure he always has a bowl of fresh, cool water within his reach.

Comparison with other breeds

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  26. Scottish Terrier vs Boston Terrier - Breed Comparison
  27. Scottish Terrier vs Jack Russell Terrier - Breed Comparison
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  49. Scottish Terrier vs Black and Tan Terrier - Breed Comparison

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